Tag Archives: Marketing

SEO & Common Business Sense

This is the type of conversation I still have with people here and there that I used to have more often just 10 years ago. I’m not surprised by it anymore, but I am astonished that what I consider as some of the basic lessons of having a website still aren’t understood.

Do you know what they’re selling?

One of my side hustle careers was as an internet marketing consultant for small businesses. I was also a member of the local chamber of commerce. I’d meet people at mixers and such, I’d tell them what I did, and oddly enough it was the only local career I’ve ever had where people wanted to talk to me (it seems health care and leadership weren’t part of their norm lol).
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How Far Will You Go To Brand Yourself?

Years ago I went to a presentation which was the beginning of a local interview series with successful entrepreneurs in my area. The first guy on the list is a millionaire many times over, but he’s done it the unconventional way.

branding is important

Me & Art Zimmer

His name is Art Zimmer (I’ve used his picture before lol), and in his lifetime he’s owned maybe 20 or so businesses. At one time he owned 12 at once, then got down to “only” 4 before he decided it was time to retire and enjoy the rest of his life in a bit more luxury.
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Are You Missing The “Social” Part Of Social Media?

Okay, I get it. Twitter and Facebook can be used for business purposes. LinkedIn is supposed to be for business purposes. I know because I use them for business as well.

Social Me In 2021

Not that often, but obviously I do. Every blog post I write shows up on Twitter multiple times. Here and there I share something from one of my blogs in my Facebook blogging group. On LinkedIn I not only share blog posts but some of my business videos; lately they seem to be doing a lot better than before.
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How Far Are You Willing To Promote Yourself And/Or Your Business?

A friend of mine, who was a relationship coach, once wrote a blog post titled What Kind Of Attention Do You Want. Her basic lament was how anyone could go onto a site such as Facebook, see relatively young girls barely dressed, and wondered if the ladies who put those pictures of themselves on the site really wanted others to think of them in that way. These days the same can be said for Instagram; I’m beyond being shocked after all these years.

There’s been a lot of stories over the course of time where both men and women are losing jobs or opportunities because more companies are hiring someone whose responsibility is to go online and look for information on these applicants. They’re going to social media sites, not liking what they see, and turning down those applicants. Sometimes they tell them what they found, knowing they can’t get into trouble for either not hiring someone or letting them go because the company doesn’t want to be associated with what’s being represented.
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How Not To Reach Out To Someone On LinkedIn

“Hi Mitch. I’d like to connect with you on LinkedIn. We share similar services. Can we schedule a phone call…”

I get messages like this all the time. The wording might be slightly different but it’s pretty much always the same. A variation on this is when someone says they’ve seen my profile and wants to consult with me about something and also want to speak to me on the phone.

Me & Star Wars guy

What’s the problem you might be asking? If you’re on LinkedIn you already know. If not, the problem is that either these people didn’t actually read my profile, didn’t understand it or are only reaching out because I posted something that got a lot of views.
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