Tag Archives: publicity

Getting Positive Publicity Through Interviews

Here’s a truth; I want to be famous. I want to be well known. And I want to make money from it. I don’t want to be infamous; I don’t want to have to do something illegal or be outed for something bad to get that fame; I’d like to think my integrity is higher than that. 😀

Yeah, I was a wedding singer!

I’ve given this a lot of thought and come to this conclusion. The best way to get positive publicity is through doing interviews. This, of course, presupposes that you’ve done something that’s worth getting interviewed about. However, if you have this part covered, it’s the best way to go.
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The Term “Influence” Does Mean A Lot

Years ago I read an article by Chris Brogan titled Improve Your Influence. The most interesting thing I found in the post was the first line, where he stated “The term “influence” doesn’t mean a lot, and yet, it seems to be the holy grail for online social media people. The reason it was interesting is that the rest of the article indicated that he pretty much understood how influential he was, whether he was trying to get there or not. Some of the name dropping, which I’m going to do some day (smile), shows that he knows and has talked to some fairly influential people.

social circles of influence

Social Circles of Influence by Anne Adrian

Being more influential has always been one of my goals. In some ways I’ve become that; in others, I’m woefully normal. lol Circumstances can either enhance or diminish one’s influence. Circumstances are… well… circumstances. 🙂
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How Far Are You Willing To Promote Yourself And/Or Your Business?

A friend of mine, who was a relationship coach, once wrote a blog post titled What Kind Of Attention Do You Want. Her basic lament was how anyone could go onto a site such as Facebook, see relatively young girls barely dressed, and wondered if the ladies who put those pictures of themselves on the site really wanted others to think of them in that way. These days the same can be said for Instagram; I’m beyond being shocked after all these years.

There’s been a lot of stories over the course of time where both men and women are losing jobs or opportunities because more companies are hiring someone whose responsibility is to go online and look for information on these applicants. They’re going to social media sites, not liking what they see, and turning down those applicants. Sometimes they tell them what they found, knowing they can’t get into trouble for either not hiring someone or letting them go because the company doesn’t want to be associated with what’s being represented.
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The Best SEO Techniques Aren’t Enough To Get You Traffic Or Publicity

Let’s get this out of the way; I’m not against using SEO to help you get where you want to be when it comes to your blog or your website. As a matter of fact, it’s still important to highlight your main topics or business just to have a chance to compete with others who are in your field of expertise. I’d even go so far as to say that exhibiting good SEO principles will put you ahead of everyone else who isn’t even trying to use it; absolutely 100%!

will this face drive traffic?

With that said… I almost hate to add this piece, but… the best SEO techniques aren’t close to being enough to get you the traffic or publicity you’re hoping for to reach your online goals. Nope, nada, never. I don’t care what Neil Patel, Brandon Gaille or anyone else has to say on this front; it’s not going to get you there, no matter what you’re trying to do.
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The Art Of Hype

These days the Super Bowl is one of the most hyped sporting events in the world, but it didn’t start out that way. For the first two Super Bowls, they had trouble filling the stadium. That was back when there were actually two separate leagues, and the National League, which was the much older league, was considered superior because the Green Bay Packers won the first two, and it wasn’t even close. When Joe Namath vaulted the New York Jets over the Baltimore Colts in the third Super Bowl, followed by the Kansas City Chiefs the next year, the leagues merged and the game started to take on a bit more prestige and charm. Look at the behemoth it’s become.



When the Super Bowl, and football itself, was starting to grow, it was still second fiddle to baseball, which had a bigger presence in at least the Americas and in Japan. It had a major appeal because all baseball took was for each kid to have his own glove, one ball, and one bat, and you could have as many players as you wanted.
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