Category Archives: Marketing

Getting Positive Publicity Through Interviews

Here’s a truth; I want to be famous. I want to be well known. And I want to make money from it. I don’t want to be infamous; I don’t want to have to do something illegal or be outed for something bad to get that fame; I’d like to think my integrity is higher than that. 😀

Yeah, I was a wedding singer!

I’ve given this a lot of thought and come to this conclusion. The best way to get positive publicity is through doing interviews. This, of course, presupposes that you’ve done something that’s worth getting interviewed about. However, if you have this part covered, it’s the best way to go.
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Are You Marketing Your Business Properly?

Marketing and services; let’s talk about it.

This is interesting. Back in December 2007, I wrote my first article on this blog, which was only one paragraph. I said I was going to talk about marketing, and I actually did just that, along with other things.

I can handle it!

I actually did that very thing. At the time, I was marketing affiliate programs via a company called Commission Junction, which is actually still around today. I was making nice money, though I wasn’t getting rich off of it. I wrote about many of those product sites, because I was also buying from those sites. I also talked a lot about the process of marketing and affiliate marketing, I shared what other marketers were saying, and I even had a couple of interviews about the subject at the time; those were the days when I was writing around 300 articles a year… whew!

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I Know Nothing About Affiliate Marketing

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about affiliate marketing, something I’ve been a part of for at least 15 years by now, and wondering “what the heck am I doing wrong?” I’ve made few affiliate sales over the years, but at least I can say I’ve made some. I guess that puts me ahead of a few people, but so many others are really rocking the industry. Then, after thinking about it some more, I realized one very interesting fact; I know nothing about affiliate marketing!

crazy affiliate marketing

Going Crazy by Frédéric Dupont

That’s a very disconcerting thing to come to, and though it’s probably over the top, truth be told I’ve been looking for answers for a long time. I’ve read a lot of stuff; I’ve tried a lot of stuff. All you need to do is look over there to the right and you’ll see I’ve been doing something for all these years, but with only one sale in all of 2021 I think we can all say I’m an affiliate marketing failure.
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Yosemite Sam Marketing

Because many people don’t believe I can write a short post… this one is short… for me. Let’s see what happens…

If you don’t know who Yosemite Sam is, you’ve been living under a rock or on a volcanic island. Yosemite Sam was the 20th century’s greatest marketer.

Not Yosemite Sam lol
Photo by Julia Solovey on Unsplash

I say that because he always knew how to get a new job (when he wasn’t trying to take your money forcefully), always knew how to promote himself, was loyal to whatever organization he happened to be shilling for at the time (even if it was just him), had ultimate self confidence, and by being loud and obnoxious he was able to promote others by extension, even when that might not have been his ultimate goal.
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Determining A Scam Through Math

I’m often receiving links from someone I know. This time it was to have an opportunity to listen to a webinar that was broadcast earlier in the year if I happened to sign up on a particular website by 11AM the next day. It proposed teaching us how to make 6-figures within 90 days doing online marketing.

by Jean-Etienne Poirrier via Compfight

My scam meter was up as it usually is, but it was free so I figured what the hey. I might pick up a thing or two that I hadn’t yet tried before, right? So, around 4 minutes before 11 I went to the site, put in my first name and email address (throwaway email address), and waited for the link to the webinar, which came about 5 minutes later.
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