Years ago I went to a presentation which was the beginning of a local interview series with successful entrepreneurs in my area. The first guy on the list is a millionaire many times over, but he’s done it the unconventional way.
“Hi Mitch. I’d like to connect with you on LinkedIn. We share similar services. Can we schedule a phone call…”
I get messages like this all the time. The wording might be slightly different but it’s pretty much always the same. A variation on this is when someone says they’ve seen my profile and wants to consult with me about something and also want to speak to me on the phone.
Me & Star Wars guy
What’s the problem you might be asking? If you’re on LinkedIn you already know. If not, the problem is that either these people didn’t actually read my profile, didn’t understand it or are only reaching out because I posted something that got a lot of views. Continue reading How Not To Reach Out To Someone On LinkedIn→
It’s been more than 3 years since I last talked about the concept of branding and why it’s important for all of us. Not just those of us who are trying to sell our products and services, but any of us who produce any type of content that we end up putting out to the masses.
The first time I wrote about gravatars, also known as avatars, was back in 2008. I wrote specifically about them in 2009, and again in 2013. Then, over the course of 7 years I’ve mentioned them from time to time, but I haven’t written specifically about them.
fake me as an example
Last month I wrote an article talking about 9 ways to recognize spam. One of my points was that most spammers don’t have avatars/gravatars. Someone asked me about it and indicated he didn’t know how to get one. So, I decided to not only tell people how to do it, but republish some of the reasons why an avatar should be used if you’re going to comment on other blogs. Continue reading Why You Should Have A Gravatar/Avatar And How To Get One→
By now most people have heard of the Pareto Principle. In essence, it’s the belief that 80% of consequences comes from 20% of causes. The origin came from Pareto’s recognition that 80% of Italy’s wealth belonged to 20% of the population. He came up with this in 1896, and for over 120 years people have equated it with everything from investing to business and customers to fitness and health.
Over the last few years I’ve seen it being recommended by a lot of bloggers and marketers when it comes to the concept of social sharing. The premise is that if one is trying to market themselves via social media, they’ll get the most benefit by sharing other people’s content 80% and their own around 20%. Continue reading Let’s Talk About That 80/20 Social Sharing Rule→
Blogging, Social Media, Writing, Motivation and General Stuff