Greetings Friends,
My name is Mitch Mitchell. I’m a guy with things to say and share as it pertains to blogging, writing, social media and a host of other things. I do all of this with the intention of promoting myself as a “thought influencer and interpreter”, hoping to work with others as a blogging/writing consultant.
I’m also a writer multiple blogs of my own and for other people, as well as two books on leadership. My long term goal is to be a paid professional speaker when I grow up; who could ask for more?
Let me get this part out of the way first. I’m a self employed incorporated consultant in multiple areas.
The first is health care finance; I help hospitals increase revenue and cash while keeping them out of trouble.
The second is leadership and diversity, and anything else related to business and employees.
The third is related to all sorts of writing and editing. As of May 2019 I have more than 6,000 articles online and in periodicals. Please check out my services page to see how I might be able to help you; as you can see, I’m practiced in many areas.
What will you get from reading my blog?
The first thing you’re going to get is honesty. I am what I am, and I don’t have much to hide with my thoughts and beliefs on all things blogging, writing and social media related. I’m always in the process of discovery and I plan on sharing my thoughts on those things here. If nothing else, you will be entertained, challenged, or informed; If you’re not, then I’ll just rant for myself. 🙂 What more could anyone want from a blog? In general I’m nice, even when I’m fussing about something, but I have my version of truths that I feel are paramount; you’ve been warned. lol
If you’d like to learn more about my main business (and why wouldn’t you?), check out the bio on my main business page, or read this post. 😉
Please join me on this journey; I promise it’ll never be dull. If you need to contact me, write me at