This story goes way back in time. In November 2018 (a repost from November 2014), I wrote an article titled Are You Spreading Yourself Too Thin. In that post, I talked about how sometimes we all try to do too much, and how I had way too many things going on, especially with all the travel I was doing at the time.
It’s been a long time since I accepted a guest post on this blog. How long? Well, the last one I accepted was in December 2011; you do the math. lol I used to have a lot of reasons why I didn’t accept guest posts on this blog and most of my other blogs; the only one I readily accepted guest posts on no longer exists; it made money, but the extra work wasn’t worth dealing with it.
I’m actually a nice guy trying to help 🙂
I never really wanted to accept guest posting unless I knew the person asking the question well. Sometimes I was the one asking someone I respected to write a guest post for me, like I did with my friend Scott Thomas about copyright laws; very illuminating, something I should have paid more attention to. 🙂 Continue reading Are You Guest Posting? Are You Still Asking To Guest Post?→
There’s three interesting things I’m going to share regarding the topic of this article. The first is that I actually wrote an article asking this very same thing back in 2012, titled Repurposing Your Own Blog Content; Good Thing Or Bad?, and a second one giving tips on how to do it titled 24 Ways To Repurpose Your Content – My Way!. Other than those two, I addressed the topic in a few different ways; the titles are:
Here’s a truth; I want to be famous. I want to be well known. And I want to make money from it. I don’t want to be infamous; I don’t want to have to do something illegal or be outed for something bad to get that fame; I’d like to think my integrity is higher than that. 😀
Yeah, I was a wedding singer!
I’ve given this a lot of thought and come to this conclusion. The best way to get positive publicity is through doing interviews. This, of course, presupposes that you’ve done something that’s worth getting interviewed about. However, if you have this part covered, it’s the best way to go. Continue reading Getting Positive Publicity Through Interviews→
Before this post, the last time I wrote an article on this blog was back in March. Before that happened, I’d been keeping a schedule of writing an article a week to generate more traffic to the site, not necessarily to market any of my products, but because I actually enjoy talking to people who leave real comments here.
I’m back!
Throughout the years, I’ve always tried to stick to writing at least once every couple of weeks. When I started this blog, I was writing almost daily; I wrote 1,000 articles in less than 3 years back in the day; blogging was fun. Because of travel as a consultant, sometimes it was every 2 weeks. But in general terms, I kept my content up to date. Continue reading What Happened? Where Have I Been?→
Blogging, Social Media, Writing, Motivation and General Stuff