Here’s a truth; I want to be famous. I want to be well known. And I want to make money from it. I don’t want to be infamous; I don’t want to have to do something illegal or be outed for something bad to get that fame; I’d like to think my integrity is higher than that. 😀
Yeah, I was a wedding singer!
I’ve given this a lot of thought and come to this conclusion. The best way to get positive publicity is through doing interviews. This, of course, presupposes that you’ve done something that’s worth getting interviewed about. However, if you have this part covered, it’s the best way to go. Continue reading Getting Positive Publicity Through Interviews→
Before this post, the last time I wrote an article on this blog was back in March. Before that happened, I’d been keeping a schedule of writing an article a week to generate more traffic to the site, not necessarily to market any of my products, but because I actually enjoy talking to people who leave real comments here.
I’m back!
Throughout the years, I’ve always tried to stick to writing at least once every couple of weeks. When I started this blog, I was writing almost daily; I wrote 1,000 articles in less than 3 years back in the day; blogging was fun. Because of travel as a consultant, sometimes it was every 2 weeks. But in general terms, I kept my content up to date. Continue reading What Happened? Where Have I Been?→
Now, it’s time for my top 19 favorite classical pieces ever. But it comes with a twist. Instead of just saying I like Beethoven’s 5th Symphony, which isn’t on the list so it’s a throwaway favorite, I’m indicating which movement is my favorite if it’s a long piece. That is, if there is a favorite within a long piece, which you’ll see what I mean as I go through some of these. Continue reading My Top 19 Favorite Classical Pieces→
Every once in a while I like to put together a post like this one. Most of the time they don’t get a lot of comments because, well, I figure that folks may look at something like this as taking a lot of time, and I know that the particular style of music or movie doesn’t fit everyone.
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately because of a 30-day challenge I participated in for 4 years in a row. It’s called the Live Your Life Challenge, and it’s lead by Mike Dooley. Every day you have a new “challenge”, the purpose of which is to evaluate your life based on the question to see where you stand as it pertains to improving your life.
It’s led me to thinking about ways to make myself not only successful but happier every day. The reality is that I know everything I need to do to be happy, but I’m not always doing what it takes to get there; some of those things I’m never going to do. Anyway, some of the questions seem elusive, while others I forget to concentrate on all that often. Suffice it to say, sometimes I have problems getting through some of those challenges; luckily, I only have to worry about it once a year; isn’t that a shame? 🙂 Continue reading 10 Things You Must Have For A Happy Life→
Blogging, Social Media, Writing, Motivation and General Stuff