This story goes way back in time. In November 2018 (a repost from November 2014), I wrote an article titled Are You Spreading Yourself Too Thin. In that post, I talked about how sometimes we all try to do too much, and how I had way too many things going on, especially with all the travel I was doing at the time.
Last May I wrote an article about my signing up on a website called Buy Me A Coffee. I mentioned that it was a way for creators to earn some money by allowing people who consume their content to give them a payment if they liked what they’d consumed. I got a little bit of money from a couple of videos and one from an article I wrote. I changed from coffee to pizza because I don’t drink coffee, but it turned out I couldn’t get the plugin to work showing pizza, which is why that funny looking ball is around the bottom right of all my articles.
That’s about the size of it
I’m not gonna lie; I thought this would be a panacea for getting paid for some of my work. I had a similar thing I ran for years on this blog that was attached to PayPal. I can’t remember when I removed it or why I removed it, but for all the years I had it on this blog I only got one $5 payment; thanks to whoever that was. 🙂 Continue reading The Buy Me A Coffee/Pizza Problem→
Are you ready for part two of my discussion on SEO? I’d never consider myself an expert at SEO (search engine optimization), but I’ll say I’ve been a specialist in the field. I make the differentiation this way; if you’re an expert, then every single thing you do is geared towards showing off that expertise. A specialist means that it’s something you do, you’re good at it, and people pay you for it, but there are times when you don’t go to extremes in getting it done.
I don’t spend my time on any of my blogs trying to figure out how to make them more SEO friendly. I want my blogs to be more conversational and friendly, or at least to show my personality. That’s what blogs are for, and I know I’m not the only one who goes to some blogs and, no matter what the topic is, gets bored almost immediately because the language is too dry. I was even reading a blog earlier today where someone was pimping an article about writing software; that will give you lots of content if it works, but how boring is that to read? Continue reading Top Five SEO Tips→
This is the type of conversation I still have with people here and there that I used to have more often just 10 years ago. I’m not surprised by it anymore, but I am astonished that what I consider as some of the basic lessons of having a website still aren’t understood.
Do you know what they’re selling?
One of my side hustle careers was as an internet marketing consultant for small businesses. I was also a member of the local chamber of commerce. I’d meet people at mixers and such, I’d tell them what I did, and oddly enough it was the only local career I’ve ever had where people wanted to talk to me (it seems health care and leadership weren’t part of their norm lol). Continue reading SEO & Common Business Sense→
Over all my years of creating websites, visiting websites, doing a bit of SEO and generally checking people out, one of the things I tend to believe is useless is a contact page. I touched upon it years ago when I wrote a post titled SEO & Common Business Sense, I said that I probably needed to write a post on my belief on contact pages since I stated it all the time. It’s about time I finally do that; stay tuned! 🙂
Let’s start with blogs just to get them out of the way. If you look at the left side of my blog, you see individual pages I’ve created. The most important page over there is my About page. If anyone’s really interested in reaching out to me for any reason that doesn’t pertain to a particular blog post, all the information needed is in there. Continue reading Do You Need A Contact Page?→
Blogging, Social Media, Writing, Motivation and General Stuff