Tag Archives: Yosemite Sam

Yosemite Sam Marketing

Because many people don’t believe I can write a short post… this one is short… for me. Let’s see what happens…

If you don’t know who Yosemite Sam is, you’ve been living under a rock or on a volcanic island. Yosemite Sam was the 20th century’s greatest marketer.

Not Yosemite Sam lol
Photo by Julia Solovey on Unsplash

I say that because he always knew how to get a new job (when he wasn’t trying to take your money forcefully), always knew how to promote himself, was loyal to whatever organization he happened to be shilling for at the time (even if it was just him), had ultimate self confidence, and by being loud and obnoxious he was able to promote others by extension, even when that might not have been his ultimate goal.
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