Tag Archives: advertising

Are You Marketing Your Business Properly?

Marketing and services; let’s talk about it.

This is interesting. Back in December 2007, I wrote my first article on this blog, which was only one paragraph. I said I was going to talk about marketing, and I actually did just that, along with other things.

I can handle it!

I actually did that very thing. At the time, I was marketing affiliate programs via a company called Commission Junction, which is actually still around today. I was making nice money, though I wasn’t getting rich off of it. I wrote about many of those product sites, because I was also buying from those sites. I also talked a lot about the process of marketing and affiliate marketing, I shared what other marketers were saying, and I even had a couple of interviews about the subject at the time; those were the days when I was writing around 300 articles a year… whew!

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Everyone’s Got An Opinion

One of the things I do to generate more income is offer writing services to others. I have a link on Fiverr and an account on Upwork; neither of those get me anywhere.

I’m a be me!

Every once in a while I go through a couple of the remaining forums I still belong to, posting my little bit of advertising for writing services. When I’m posting those articles, I always include a link to some article samples so people can see that I can write different ways on different topics. None of them are overly long, as it’s only supposed to be a sample.
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Do People Check Out Your About Page If You Have One?

If you’re a blogger, a self employed entrepreneur, or even a small or large business, have you considered adding an About Page to the online space that you own?


Obviously me!

I have one, next to the list titled 100 Things About Me, which was part of a challenge when I originally wrote it, that I’ve edited here and there over a bunch of years. If you do, cool; if not, why not?
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How Far Are You Willing To Promote Yourself And/Or Your Business?

A friend of mine, who was a relationship coach, once wrote a blog post titled What Kind Of Attention Do You Want. Her basic lament was how anyone could go onto a site such as Facebook, see relatively young girls barely dressed, and wondered if the ladies who put those pictures of themselves on the site really wanted others to think of them in that way. These days the same can be said for Instagram; I’m beyond being shocked after all these years.

There’s been a lot of stories over the course of time where both men and women are losing jobs or opportunities because more companies are hiring someone whose responsibility is to go online and look for information on these applicants. They’re going to social media sites, not liking what they see, and turning down those applicants. Sometimes they tell them what they found, knowing they can’t get into trouble for either not hiring someone or letting them go because the company doesn’t want to be associated with what’s being represented.
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Real Marketing – Regular Mail

Though many of us are trying to make a certain amount of money online, our hopes being that it’s enough to work on, some of us who work for ourselves acknowledge that it’s not always the only way we can go, especially if we have a client audience that’s not quite savvy when it comes to being online.

by Chris Lott via Flickr

In real life I’m a health care finance consultant (you probably have no idea what that is), and I mainly work with hospitals. I can pretty much guarantee that few are looking for my consulting services via social media. I get lucky every once in a while when someone finds my LinkedIn profile, but since I’ve set it up so it’s non-searchable on search engines, it means only people on Linked In can find me.
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