Tag Archives: SEO

Getting The Most Out Of Shutting Down A Business And A Blog Online

This story goes way back in time. In November 2018 (a repost from November 2014), I wrote an article titled Are You Spreading Yourself Too Thin. In that post, I talked about how sometimes we all try to do too much, and how I had way too many things going on, especially with all the travel I was doing at the time.

I’m tired…

I listed some things to think about, but point #4 was especially telling, though most people seemed to have missed it:
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Driving Consistent Traffic To Your Site Without Sneaky And Boring SEO Tactics

It turns out I hadn’t written anything about SEO since March of 2021. I wrote an article titled Top Five SEO Tips, which followed an article on the same subject titled SEO & Common Business Sense.

You’re hungry for information, aren’t you?

I have to admit that I hadn’t given it much thought over the last 2 1/2 years until I came across this article which popped up on The Verge, titled The People Who Ruined The Internet. Although it’s pretty long, it’s a fascinating read, and I was so captivated that I read the entire thing. It probably took me to a different place that many of its readers, though I can’t really verify that. Thus, I thought it was my turn to give my overall opinion on both the article and what I consider is that “actual” importance of good SEO techniques, along with some things I see often that I absolutely hate.
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Content Is An Electronic Emperor?

Let me get this out of the way; I don’t like Rupert Murdoch. I don’t like almost anything he stands for or anything he has to say. I believe he’s pretty much a greedy man who likes stirring up controversy because he knows it sells. I believe he skews the news, not because he actually believes any of it, but because it makes money. I’m not against anyone making money, ever; I don’t have to like how some people make it, though.

This is king in my city lol

However, if there’s one thing I am is fair when I have to be. Of all things, Murdoch once said something that I’ve touted in my own way for years, though my thoughts have been a little more limited on the subject. That subject is content.
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Top Five SEO Tips

Are you ready for part two of my discussion on SEO? I’d never consider myself an expert at SEO (search engine optimization), but I’ll say I’ve been a specialist in the field. I make the differentiation this way; if you’re an expert, then every single thing you do is geared towards showing off that expertise. A specialist means that it’s something you do, you’re good at it, and people pay you for it, but there are times when you don’t go to extremes in getting it done.

How to seo a website

SEOPlanter via Compfight

I don’t spend my time on any of my blogs trying to figure out how to make them more SEO friendly. I want my blogs to be more conversational and friendly, or at least to show my personality. That’s what blogs are for, and I know I’m not the only one who goes to some blogs and, no matter what the topic is, gets bored almost immediately because the language is too dry. I was even reading a blog earlier today where someone was pimping an article about writing software; that will give you lots of content if it works, but how boring is that to read?
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SEO & Common Business Sense

This is the type of conversation I still have with people here and there that I used to have more often just 10 years ago. I’m not surprised by it anymore, but I am astonished that what I consider as some of the basic lessons of having a website still aren’t understood.

Do you know what they’re selling?

One of my side hustle careers was as an internet marketing consultant for small businesses. I was also a member of the local chamber of commerce. I’d meet people at mixers and such, I’d tell them what I did, and oddly enough it was the only local career I’ve ever had where people wanted to talk to me (it seems health care and leadership weren’t part of their norm lol).
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