How’s that for a blog title? Yes, it’s accurate… but slightly misleading. It was also necessary.
I’ve also lost 70 pounds since 2012!
I have deleted over 500 articles in total; just not all of them on this blog.I’ve deleted about 350 here, and about 150 on my business blog. I’m about to tell you why, because it’s something you might want to think about when it comes to your blog, especially if it’s older. Continue reading I’ve Lost Over 500 Articles; Why?→
One of the things I do to generate more income is offer writing services to others. I have a link on Fiverr and an account on Upwork; neither of those get me anywhere.
I’m a be me!
Every once in a while I go through a couple of the remaining forums I still belong to, posting my little bit of advertising for writing services. When I’m posting those articles, I always include a link to some article samples so people can see that I can write different ways on different topics. None of them are overly long, as it’s only supposed to be a sample. Continue reading Everyone’s Got An Opinion→
It was about 2 1/2 months ago when I wrote an article comparing blogging to playing in poker tournaments. Once again I’m diving into the gambling world, this time time the stakes are drastically different (see what I did there?). This is also an updated blog post from over 14 years ago; my memory isn’t bad, but some of what I’m addressing early on isn’t as memorable as I might allude to.
it’s a gamble living in central New York
There was this period of time back then where I read news stories about people in positions of authority that had been caught stealing money from their organizations and using that money to support their gambling habits. Locally, there was the story of a man who’d just been sent to prison for stealing $272,000 or so and spending it all on gambling. Continue reading The Psychology Of Gambling→
I don’t think of it in these terms all that often, but overall I work from home for the most part. Every once in a while I go on the road for a few days to a few months, but in general I do most of my work from home. These days I’m not only looking for new clients and gigs, but I’m looking for a nice paying job that’ll let me work from home most of the time… if not all of the time.
former office desk
I’ve often encouraged people who are out of work to at least look into the possibility of working for themselves while they’re collecting unemployment. There are many people with great skills that could translate into a profession where they wouldn’t have to deal with weak managers or poor working conditions. It’s not easy to do, especially in today’s world, but when looking for something else to do to earn money, it’s something worth looking into. Continue reading 5 Dangers Of Being Self Employed→
Many years ago I wrote a story about meatloaf for two reasons. The first reason is because I was trying to win a free Kindle (I’ve never bought one to this day). The second reason is because I’d recently had an adventure that involved meatloaf, it was fresh in my mind and I decided to go for it; timing is everything. 🙂
me giving a seminar; phones didn’t take great pictures back then
Unfortunately I didn’t win; I don’t think I even placed. I did get one critique on the story, though. The guy said he liked the story and laughed at it, but that I used the word “I” too many times and that if I’d tightened that up then the story might have been stronger. Continue reading The Art Of Storytelling→
Blogging, Social Media, Writing, Motivation and General Stuff