Category Archives: Entertainment

My Top 19 Favorite Classical Pieces

This is something different, in a way. I’ve posted on my top 10 favorite TV shows and my top 16 favorite sci-fi movies of all time and, just a week ago, I listed my top 10 favorite operas. I’ve done a lot of these in the past, and the format’s have changed over the years, as I’ve learned more about how blogging is supposed to work. 🙂

Photo by Arindam Mahanta on Unsplash

Now, it’s time for my top 19 favorite classical pieces ever. But it comes with a twist. Instead of just saying I like Beethoven’s 5th Symphony, which isn’t on the list so it’s a throwaway favorite, I’m indicating which movement is my favorite if it’s a long piece. That is, if there is a favorite within a long piece, which you’ll see what I mean as I go through some of these.
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My Top 10 Favorite Operas

Every once in a while I like to put together a post like this one. Most of the time they don’t get a lot of comments because, well, I figure that folks may look at something like this as taking a lot of time, and I know that the particular style of music or movie doesn’t fit everyone.

Opera Singer by Cliff

So why do I do them? Two reasons.
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My Current Top 15 Favorite Movies

I decided to lighten things up a bit… because I can! lol It’s been years since I’ve written anything talking about my “favorite” whatever. I’m going to spare you the “honor” of seeing those old articles; one is from 2014, and it was videos with me in them. The other two were in 2010 where I touched upon the topic of favorite sports movies and sci-fi movies.

I’ve had an interesting epiphany concerning favorite whatever. It’s hard to have a list of any topic be permanent when things are always changing and we’re always getting older. I’m sure a list of my favorite movies before I turned 18 would have been a much different list than what I’m presenting in my early 60’s (ouch!).
Continue reading My Current Top 15 Favorite Movies

The Keys

A sidebar. Every once in a while, instead of a traditional blog post I’ll detail a story of something that happened in my life. This article was originally written on March 4, 2009. It was quasi-popular when it was published, but 12 years later no one knows about it. What many people don’t know is that after “so many years” Google will de-list articles on blogs with a lot of content unless that content’s refreshed. If I put in the exact title of the article and my blog’s name, it’ll show up. Without that, no amount of keywords or phrases will ever bring it up.

mailbox lock with keys

volkspider via Compfight

Because I felt it was a pretty good tale, and because everyone who commented on it back then is no longer blogging, I felt it deserved a refreshing and re-release. I often write stories of what takes place in my life and I’ve always shared them with all my friends. I hope you enjoy it; as always, it’s my truth… which means it’s the truth! 🙂
Continue reading The Keys

My 10 Favorite Videos of 2014

This is an easy post if you want to read just a little bit of stuff or want to watch/listen to videos I made in 2014. Why this kind of post? One, it’s New Year’s Eve and I’ve got stuff to do (even though I put this together ahead of time). Two, you probably have stuff to do and after that last post on blogging, which was pretty long, I figure you might want something that you can just listen to… if you’re interested at all.

Also, I created lots of videos this year between my two video channels, and a few of those videos I actually liked a lot more than others. Yes, I went back and watched, aka listened, to every single one of them, some more than once. When I needed a boost I listened to my motivational videos along with the same from other people. Sometimes I forgot it was me; now that’s really getting into it.

Without further delay here are my 10 favorite videos of 2014, not in any specific order. A couple of these are interviews, which means they will be a bit longer than the rest. Let me know what you think, please watch, and have a wonderful and safe New Year’s Eve and New Years Day! 🙂