I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately because of a 30-day challenge I participated in for 4 years in a row. It’s called the Live Your Life Challenge, and it’s lead by Mike Dooley. Every day you have a new “challenge”, the purpose of which is to evaluate your life based on the question to see where you stand as it pertains to improving your life.
It’s led me to thinking about ways to make myself not only successful but happier every day. The reality is that I know everything I need to do to be happy, but I’m not always doing what it takes to get there; some of those things I’m never going to do. Anyway, some of the questions seem elusive, while others I forget to concentrate on all that often. Suffice it to say, sometimes I have problems getting through some of those challenges; luckily, I only have to worry about it once a year; isn’t that a shame? 🙂 Continue reading 10 Things You Must Have For A Happy Life→
It was about 2 1/2 months ago when I wrote an article comparing blogging to playing in poker tournaments. Once again I’m diving into the gambling world, this time time the stakes are drastically different (see what I did there?). This is also an updated blog post from over 14 years ago; my memory isn’t bad, but some of what I’m addressing early on isn’t as memorable as I might allude to.
it’s a gamble living in central New York
There was this period of time back then where I read news stories about people in positions of authority that had been caught stealing money from their organizations and using that money to support their gambling habits. Locally, there was the story of a man who’d just been sent to prison for stealing $272,000 or so and spending it all on gambling. Continue reading The Psychology Of Gambling→
Have you ever heard of something called the Reserve Index? Truthfully, unless you’ve been online for at least 14 years you probably haven’t. I learned about it back in 2003, and every once in a while I go back to it and do the test again.
In essence, it’s a self evaluation form to help you determine just how comfortable you are with your life and ideas based on the questions you need to answer if you can, of how you can improve your life even further for your peace of mine. Some people seem to be scared of doing self evaluation; y’all know I’m not one of those people. I also believe no one should be scared of things like this, since you’re probably the only one who’ll ever see it. Continue reading Reserve Index→
It’s rare that I have two videos on one article, but today’s the day to be different. Actually, every day is a day to be different, but today I’m being even more different than usual. Sounds convoluted, doesn’t it? That explains me to a T (I don’t know where that phrase came from, and neither does anyone else apparently). Anyway, that’s the best I’ve got. 🙂
In this first video, I question why we don’t do the things we should be doing. Let’s lead with that, and then come back:
Living in central New York, we end up having a lot of windstorms and snowstorms; sometimes they come at the same time; other times one type of storm will morph into a different type of storm.
I remember once we had a major windstorm that turned into, for us, a minor snowstorm. At one point I was having a conversation on the phone with my ex during the blackout the storm caused that went like this: Continue reading None Of Us Is Great At Everything→
Blogging, Social Media, Writing, Motivation and General Stuff