Tag Archives: operatic music

My Top 19 Favorite Classical Pieces

This is something different, in a way. I’ve posted on my top 10 favorite TV shows and my top 16 favorite sci-fi movies of all time and, just a week ago, I listed my top 10 favorite operas. I’ve done a lot of these in the past, and the format’s have changed over the years, as I’ve learned more about how blogging is supposed to work. 🙂

Photo by Arindam Mahanta on Unsplash

Now, it’s time for my top 19 favorite classical pieces ever. But it comes with a twist. Instead of just saying I like Beethoven’s 5th Symphony, which isn’t on the list so it’s a throwaway favorite, I’m indicating which movement is my favorite if it’s a long piece. That is, if there is a favorite within a long piece, which you’ll see what I mean as I go through some of these.
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My Top 10 Favorite Operas

Every once in a while I like to put together a post like this one. Most of the time they don’t get a lot of comments because, well, I figure that folks may look at something like this as taking a lot of time, and I know that the particular style of music or movie doesn’t fit everyone.

Opera Singer by Cliff

So why do I do them? Two reasons.
Continue reading My Top 10 Favorite Operas