It turns out I hadn’t written anything about SEO since March of 2021. I wrote an article titled Top Five SEO Tips, which followed an article on the same subject titled SEO & Common Business Sense.

You’re hungry for information, aren’t you?
I have to admit that I hadn’t given it much thought over the last 2 1/2 years until I came across this article which popped up on The Verge, titled The People Who Ruined The Internet. Although it’s pretty long, it’s a fascinating read, and I was so captivated that I read the entire thing. It probably took me to a different place that many of its readers, though I can’t really verify that. Thus, I thought it was my turn to give my overall opinion on both the article and what I consider is that “actual” importance of good SEO techniques, along with some things I see often that I absolutely hate.
Continue reading Driving Consistent Traffic To Your Site Without Sneaky And Boring SEO Tactics