Tag Archives: selling online

I Know Nothing About Affiliate Marketing

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about affiliate marketing, something I’ve been a part of for at least 15 years by now, and wondering “what the heck am I doing wrong?” I’ve made few affiliate sales over the years, but at least I can say I’ve made some. I guess that puts me ahead of a few people, but so many others are really rocking the industry. Then, after thinking about it some more, I realized one very interesting fact; I know nothing about affiliate marketing!

crazy affiliate marketing

Going Crazy by Frédéric Dupont

That’s a very disconcerting thing to come to, and though it’s probably over the top, truth be told I’ve been looking for answers for a long time. I’ve read a lot of stuff; I’ve tried a lot of stuff. All you need to do is look over there to the right and you’ll see I’ve been doing something for all these years, but with only one sale in all of 2021 I think we can all say I’m an affiliate marketing failure.
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