By now those of you used to reading this blog know that I love to play poker. I’ve written a few posts over the years comparing poker and blogging, including this one, 5 Things Bloggers Can Learn From Poker. I’m kicking this one up a notch and I’m going to talk about winning poker tournaments. Did I win a poker tournament? Stay tuned as we go through these 5 keys.
Poker tournaments are long. If you’re in a very large one in person it could take multiple days. The main World Series of Poker tournament in Las Vegas takes more than a week, not including the final table, which is usually held months later. Smaller tournaments can take a couple of days to complete, although some will end in one day; it’s rare that it happens that way. Continue reading 5 Keys To Winning Poker Tournaments And Blogging→
For all the years I’ve been writing about blogging and for all the articles on this blog that are about blogging (more than 25% are specifically about blogging), I almost never get any email from anyone asking questions that I’ve either covered or not covered. That means everyone who’s online must already know these things… right?
Maybe not. A few weeks ago I got an email from someone who’s just started blogging, something that still happens on occasion. I’ve done a lot of videos on the subject, which are on my YouTube channel (look over there on the right), but they don’t get a lot of juice over there; that’s why I still blog about blogging… an interesting conundrum, isn’t it? Continue reading 6 Answers To Questions From New Bloggers→
One of the weirdest things about blogging is that not everyone wants to leave comments. I’d love that as much as anything, but what sometimes happens is people will send an email to tell you things or to ask you questions. I take that as a compliment, especially since no one has sent me anything bad yet.
There’s one question I get more often than any other. The odd thing is that I get this same question outside of this blog. I get it on my other blog. I used to get it from my newsletters. I got it from people in organizations I used to belong to. And I always get it from some of my friends, because I tend to chronicle my life and then share my stories with all my friends, these days more often on Facebook. Continue reading How To Be A Prolific Writer→
My name is Mitch Mitchell and I’m many things. Today, I’m a blogger. I have 4 blogs of my own and have written for many others; still do in fact. I’ve been blogging since 2005 but for my most popular blog, I’m Just Sharing (which is this one of course), I’ve been writing for 13 1/2 years.
Over the course of all that time I’ve come to realize that there are some things that are certainties when it comes to blogging. Those are the things I’ll talk about in a minute.
Sometimes you have to repurpose an old blog post because you feel it’s some of your best work. In this case, I’m repurposing a very long blog post that had a lot of comments when it was first published in 2014. I have a 5 year limit on how long people can post comments on a blog; that makes this article about 6 1/2 years old.
was 55, now 61
I also wrote it a couple of weeks after I turned 55; hence, the idea for 55 tips and ideas about blogging. I’m going to add a tip here instead of changing the title. I’ve only kept the comments from people who still have blogs, thus have links going to those blogs. Only 2 of the people below are still blogging on a regular basis; who knows, maybe some newer bloggers, or bloggers I’m connected to who didn’t comment the first time around, will show up. Continue reading 55 Tips And Ideas About Blogging→
Blogging, Social Media, Writing, Motivation and General Stuff