Top Three Do’s And Don’ts

Earlier in the week I was reading a Tim Bossie’s blog, with his article titled 60 Quick Dos And Don’ts For Online Advertising. This is a great list, and I hope everyone goes over and absorbs this entire list, as it pertains to online advertising, affiliate marketing, internet marketing, MLM marketing, network marketing, email marketing,… well, you catch my drift.

Anyway, I decided that, out of this great list, I’d say what I felt were the three top do’s that he mentions, and then what I feel are the three top don’ts on his list. By the way, I’m not sure if that’s how and where one would put the “s” after “don’t”, but I did search on the internet and it seems this is how other people are doing it, so I’m going that route.

First, let’s do the don’ts first (wow, that looks weird, doesn’t it?), to get those out of the way:

1. Don’t comment on blogs with “Great Blog!” and leave it at that. It’s comments like that which makes it harder these days to determine what’s spam and what’s not. As you know, I hate spam, but I’ve also talked about how it’s getting sneakier and smarter these days. Our friend Peter talks often about people who drop by and leave lots of one line comments just to move up the lists of those people who have top commentator listings, like mine over there on the right (and look who’s at the top). Whether or not it’s truly spam, it looks like spam, and it’s disingenuous to the person who’s writing the blog.

2. Don’t limit yourself to just one advertising method. Y’all see all the things that I test here, then tell you about, but I know I still have a lot of methods that I’ve yet to try. There is no one way that will work for everyone; man, I’ve proven that! If you’re not making $500,000 a year, you probably need to change something around, keep tweaking, and keep learning. Yeah, I know that’s a super lofty goal, and most of us would be happier with a lot less than that from blogging, or from our websites, or from any other internet marketing in general, but I like to dream big.

3. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see overnight millions. Let’s face this fact; there are a lot of dead blogs and websites out there. A good number of those folks tried to make money online and failed. Some of those people participated in programs like Jeff Paul’s Internet Millions or Stores Online programs.

Think about it this way; just how many blogs are there out here that consider themselves “Make Money Blogging” blogs? Folks, in one way or another I’ve been at this for four years, and it’s not until this past year when I’ve actually started making any money at all. I feel it’s because of things I’ve learned since I started writing this blog. Obviously, it’s a long process. The best part about all of it is that it doesn’t cost a lot to try these things out, and to stick with it just a little bit longer. As Jesse Jackson used to say, “Never give up; never stop trying; keep hope alive.”

And now, the do’s:

1. Be persistent in continuing to learn advertising and marketing. Now that’s really what this blog is all about. I try to learn more and more about affiliate and internet marketing, and as our friend Steve says, I tend to process a lot of information.

Unfortunately, there’s also a lot of information that I probably don’t put into practice for one reason or another, so I’m not making the kind of money I should be making. That doesn’t mean I’m not always learning. If things so well, we’re going to get some specific questions answered from a big time internet marketer soon, which I think would help everyone out.

Still, you see me testing things and telling you about them; you see me sharing my stats; you see me sharing websites I find; and you see me sharing ebooks I’ve obtained here and there, free ebooks that I’m allowed to share with you. And I try to write something different than what everyone else is writing.

You saw my rant on this idea of massive traffic; well, since I wrote that, in Twitter, I’ve probably seen at least 20 new posts that have said the same exact thing as everyone else. Is there something new? I don’t know. But I do know that there’s always something new to learn, a different perspective, a different tactic, and I’m going to continue trying to learn more and more; I hope you keep coming back to learn, and to teach me some things.

2. Comment, Comment, Comment on other blogs in your niche. Actually, I want to extend this one further to say comment any place where you feel you can make a contribution in some fashion. I actually do understand the tactic of commenting only on blogs that fit your niche, in that it presupposes those people will see your comment, figure you’re some kind of authority, and decide to come by.

But I’ve had more fun and met some great people on blogs that have nothing to do with my niche; heck, do I have a niche anyway? I write three blogs, and this is probably the only one that doesn’t really have a niche, as much as a concentration. I have varied interests, so I comment on blogs every and anywhere. And I try to offer something with each comment, even if it’s only two lines. There’s a lot of great stuff out there; take the time to look at it, then comment on it, and finally,…

3. Spread some link love in your own articles and blog posts. Well, that’s what started this article to begin with, isn’t it, acknowledging the great job Tim did in writing his post, then expanding on a few points of it for my blog. For those of you who say there’s never anything to write about, you’re just not trying.

If I look at any five blogs, I can find something to write about, and probably get 500 words out of it. I’m a genuinely curious person, and I haven’t even brought up my interest in psychology, the universe, quantum physics, poker (well, I have talked about poker), history, music, and the like. But I’ve shared tons of links with y’all, even on this post; have you noticed that not all the links here are to this blog? Well, I’ve also done a lot of internal linking within my own blog, as well as this post. Internal linking is important to your own SEO (oh yeah, I’ve talked about that also), and it gives those who might like what you have to say more pages to explore if they like even a little bit of what you’ve written. Last night, for instance, I liked this one blog so much that I read 10 of his posts, though I only commented on one of them; I wish I could remember right now who it was, because I’d share it with you.

But there you go, my top three of each category. All that, and if you go to Tim’s blog, there are 54 more gems for you to absorb. Who could ask for more than that? Oh yeah, lots of links on this one, aren’t there? Well, I wanted to do something special for post #399; I hope you enjoy some of them; take care, and enjoy your Saturday.

32 thoughts on “Top Three Do’s And Don’ts”

  1. Number 1 to do … “be persistent” is in my opinion the most important of all. This is what separates the wannabes from the pros

  2. Good choices Mitch. I would pick the sames ones and add this don’t if possible:
    #58 – [don’t] Spam your ezine subscribers with daily issues or ads.

    Brian D. Hawkins´s last blog post..Zero To Three In 90 Days – Thanks Flickr!

    1. Brian, you’re singing to the choir with this one. Daily emails are way too many, especially if I’m still visiting your blog. Weekly reminders, and maybe something in the middle if you have products you think I might be interested in; I could handle one of those a week.

  3. Sorry that it took so long to actually comment on this post Mitch, especially after linking to my blog for which I am very grateful. Could I possibly add that you should ‘enjoy’ what you do, as this will lead to better posts and make the persistent factor a lot easier to maintain.

    I’m also with you on the commenting on any blog you come across as long as you comment with quality comments as you have already mentioned.

    Sire´s last blog post..What Search Terms Are People Using To Find You

    1. I knew you’d find it eventually, Sire, so no problems there. And yes, people need to enjoy what it is they do, and it will show in their posts for sure. I hope you enjoyed the original article also.

      1. interesting,really cool that you have a list of what to do and not to do when commenting. But you have 60 things I will certainly check these out and see what their all about hope it can be quite helpful

        almir´s last blog post..Review Of “The One And Only” Atomic Blogging 3.0

  4. Great Stuff. I absolutely agree that creating content for your site is relatively easy compared to the hundreds of hours you need to put in commenting and community building.

    GregR´s last blog post..NZ Declares Dessert Wars on Australia – Throws Down Tea Towel

    1. Thanks for your comment, Greg. I’m with you on that one, but it still takes both to get the results we want overall.

  5. Great Blog!

    heh heh heh…

    sorry Mitch, I couldn’t resist. I agree, I hate spam too! But this is a great post of does and don’ts, and I think you really nailed it. Be persistent. Never give up (but know when it’s a good idea to “change course”) 🙂 And as Sire said, do what you love. ~ Steve, the trade show guru

    Trade Show Guru´s last blog post..Trade Show Booth Staffing Secrets

    1. Thanks for the comment, Steve. If you’re not having fun doing it and you’re still doing it, get out! 🙂

  6. What a terrific blogpost you’ve written here, Mitch! I agreed with your thoughts, as blogging need a lot of time, determination and dedication to do it! If you didn’t have the persistent, then you should give up in the very beginning…

    1. Great post, Wil, and it’s something I started off with in my blogging series. Nothing looks worse than a dead blog, right?

  7. Don’t give up… if something your doing isn’t working, then try something new. That is the only way to succeed. 🙂

    ~ Kristi

    Kikolani´s last blog post..Twitter Lingo & Tips For New Twitter & Facebook Users

    1. Absolutely, Kristi, although we do have to take the other side of things and say be realistic. If you’re 4’10” and think you can practice enough to be able to dunk a basketball,… lol

  8. Hi Mitch!

    First, thanks for the incredible compliment for mentioning my post and then taking my list a step further.

    I really like what you added to the commenting on blog point. You’re absolutely right, even in today’s social networking mindset… comment anywhere and everywhere that you can add value.

    And I’m 6 foot and have only been able to dunk once in high school. 🙂

    @nlbctim´s last blog post..Free Membership Into PLR and Resell Rights Membership Site

    1. Hi Tim; glad you were able to stop by, and thanks for your kind words.

      Actually, the last time I could dunk was my second year of college. Then life took hold and, well, that was that.

      And I comment in as many places as I like, and luckily, I get to keep changing up which blog I’m representing, which works out pretty well overall.

  9. Commenting on other blog is the best way to get traffic and backlinks. Thanks for commenting on my blog.

      1. well i don’t think it’s a great way to get traffic but it’s definitely a great way to get backlinks to your website

        almir´s last blog post..Review Of “The One And Only” Atomic Blogging 3.0

      2. Actually Almir, if you go and read one of my traffic posts from January, you’ll see that, indeed, my traffic jumped because of it, and sank because I’d stopped for awhile at the same time.

      3. really I always hear from others, that it’s not a great thing to rely on when it comes to building traffic to your website, but if it’s working for you than I guess I need to continue on with the commenting process. Oh yeah, thanks for the feedback.

        almir´s last blog post..Review Of “The One And Only” Atomic Blogging 3.0

      4. Here’s the thing. Especially if someone has CommentLuv, leaving comments on other posts highlights what you write about, and someone is going to be intrigued by that and drop by to see what you have to say. At least that’s how it works for me.

  10. lol that’s real funny are you really 6’7 Dennis wow wish I were that tall

    almir´s last blog post..Review Of “The One And Only” Atomic Blogging 3.0

  11. very interesting, but for me I just use my name if someone has commentluv on their blog

    almir´s last blog post..Review Of “The One And Only” Atomic Blogging 3.0

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