Are you ready for part two of my discussion on SEO? I’d never consider myself an expert at SEO (search engine optimization), but I’ll say I’ve been a specialist in the field. I make the differentiation this way; if you’re an expert, then every single thing you do is geared towards showing off that expertise. A specialist means that it’s something you do, you’re good at it, and people pay you for it, but there are times when you don’t go to extremes in getting it done.

SEOPlanter via Compfight
I don’t spend my time on any of my blogs trying to figure out how to make them more SEO friendly. I want my blogs to be more conversational and friendly, or at least to show my personality. That’s what blogs are for, and I know I’m not the only one who goes to some blogs and, no matter what the topic is, gets bored almost immediately because the language is too dry. I was even reading a blog earlier today where someone was pimping an article about writing software; that will give you lots of content if it works, but how boring is that to read?
Continue reading Top Five SEO Tips