I found this to be an interesting turn of events, thus I’m sharing another repurposed article from years ago. Every once in a while I write reviews of things, my opinion on a book, movie, software, etc. Most of the time I don’t know the people all that well, although on this blog I wrote a review of Beverly Mahone’s book How To Get On The News Without Committing Murder and I know her fairly well.
There’s a happy guy!
In that vein, I once wrote a book review on a book by someone I’d known for 10 years at the time titled Paid To Think. I can’t say we’re great friends, but he’s someone I’ve respected from day one, a very driven and successful guy who wouldn’t be the worst person to emulate in many ways. Continue reading You Can’t Please Everyone So Start With Pleasing Yourself→
Some years ago I talked about the concept of social media marketing, and why I think it’s a more important way to handle your business online rather than blatantly spamming all over the place. Today I’m talking about the difficulties in keeping up with it all, especially if you’re also trying to keep up with blogging as well.
Autographed; hanging in my favorite restaurant!
Do you believe that doing something so many times can help it become a habit? I have mixed emotions on that one. There are things I’ve done that have stuck, while other things I’ve done for a long time were good for that moment, but some months later, maybe even a year, it’s like I never did it to begin with. Continue reading Keeping Up With Blogging & Social Media Marketing→
If you’re a blogger, a self employed entrepreneur, or even a small or large business, have you considered adding an About Page to the online space that you own?
Another repurposed article that I feel needs to be shared. Sometimes I think Bigfoot lives in my backyard. Well, maybe in the woods that’s behind my backyard. That might sound like the strangest thing you’ve ever heard, but if it’s not Bigfoot it’s something incredibly big, ugly, and dangerous that’s back there. It’s one of the reasons I hate the backyard.
When we were looking at houses back in 2000, we saw a lot of houses that didn’t quite work out for us. Some had one beautiful room and that would be it; others would have one floor that was immaculate but another floor that looked like squatters had taken over. We did see a couple houses that were pretty nice, but we just couldn’t pull the trigger. Continue reading Bigfoot Lives In My Backyard→
Yet… it seems that maybe it wasn’t comprehensive enough. I mean, if I couldn’t get the message through in 3,000 words, what should I have done to get more attention? Actually, the article was pretty popular at the time I released it. Many people said they liked the tips. So, what happened after that? Continue reading You’re Not Promoting Your Blog Or Yourself Properly→
Blogging, Social Media, Writing, Motivation and General Stuff