Tag Archives: poker tournaments

5 Keys To Winning Poker Tournaments And Blogging

By now those of you used to reading this blog know that I love to play poker. I’ve written a few posts over the years comparing poker and blogging, including this one, 5 Things Bloggers Can Learn From Poker. I’m kicking this one up a notch and I’m going to talk about winning poker tournaments. Did I win a poker tournament? Stay tuned as we go through these 5 keys.

Photo by Amanda Jones on Unsplash

1. You have to prepare for the long haul.

Poker tournaments are long. If you’re in a very large one in person it could take multiple days. The main World Series of Poker tournament in Las Vegas takes more than a week, not including the final table, which is usually held months later. Smaller tournaments can take a couple of days to complete, although some will end in one day; it’s rare that it happens that way.
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