Yet… it seems that maybe it wasn’t comprehensive enough. I mean, if I couldn’t get the message through in 3,000 words, what should I have done to get more attention? Actually, the article was pretty popular at the time I released it. Many people said they liked the tips. So, what happened after that? Continue reading You’re Not Promoting Your Blog Or Yourself Properly→
I have to own up to something; there are times when feel like I’m one of the biggest prima donna’s in the world. I don’t mean an opera singer (or necessarily any Italian or singer for that manner, but it was the first definition in the dictionary) that has to be the center of it all. I actually don’t even mean having to be the center of it all. I mean the second definition from Merriam-Webster: “a vain or undisciplined person who finds it difficult to work under direction or as part of a team“. That’s a shame, but also a necessity; let’s talk about it.
I got this!
Most of you know I do a lot of writing. Writing is basically a solo occupation, whether you’re writing for yourself or someone else. Unless you’re a script writer of some kind it’s just you and your resources; that’s pretty much it. Continue reading Are You Sometimes A Prima Donna?→
On Twitter a couple of months ago, a local business consultant I know said “no one comments on blogs anymore,” to which I responded “I commented on yours yesterday.” He came back with “no one comments on blogs anymore but you.” In my mind I disagreed… but had to think about it for a bit.
he’s got opinions
I get comments on almost every blog post I put out. On this blog in 2019, only one of my posts (talking about promotion no less) didn’t get a comment. But I have had a couple of posts that only got one or two comments; that’s disappointing. Still, I did have one post this year that got 22 comments; I’ll take what I can get. Continue reading Why Don’t More People Comment On Blogs?→
I’m not going to say this is a new trend, but it’s something that’s happening with blogs that’s really irking me right now and it’s about time I talked about it. We’re about to talk about blog comments… kind of…
approve my comments!
I started commenting on more blogs recently, trying to show my support for bloggers because that’s the way things used to be. We would visit each other’s blogs and comment, and other people would see our comments and then they would visit our blogs and they’d comment… on and on. Continue reading Approve Blog Comments And Respond To Them→
Last week I did something very different from my norm. I didn’t write a new blog post on this blog or my business blog… or any of my other blogs. I wrote one for my accountant’s blog, but that’s about it. That in and of itself isn’t much of a surprise, because I’ve done that before. What’s different is the reason I didn’t write anything.
I got to the end of last week, ready to write a new blog post… when I realized that I hadn’t received a single comment on the previous post. That’s pretty rare; I usually get at least one comment on everything. The last time I hadn’t gotten a comment on a post was the summer of 2015, and that’s because I wrote some specific marketing articles that I removed a few weeks later. The last time I wrote an article that didn’t get any comments… May 25, 2010! Continue reading I Almost Didn’t Get A Comment; This Is What I Did About It…→
Blogging, Social Media, Writing, Motivation and General Stuff