Tag Archives: accepting comments

If You Don’t Respond To Comments Or Accept Them On Your Blog…

It’s been a long time since I’ve done this, so I thought I should start with this particular message. What I’m about to do is give you my opinion on a topic that I’ve been somewhat passionate about for a lot of years. The first time I wrote about this topic, which is comments, was back in 2008, so let’s say at least 13 1/2 years. I already know some people are going to disagree with me because they do what I’m going to gripe about, but that’s okay. It’s my opinion, and one of the things bloggers need to learn is that if you give your opinion on something you have to be ready to either defend it or listen to what someone else has to say and decide if you want to change it.

She never ignored me

I have a lot of flexibility when it comes to a lot of things. I even have a lot of flexibility when it comes to blogging in general. However, there are some things that I won’t do and some things that I don’t like that I see some other bloggers do, and that affects how I deal with or interact with those bloggers and their blogs.
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Why Don’t More People Comment On Blogs?

On Twitter a couple of months ago, a local business consultant I know said “no one comments on blogs anymore,” to which I responded “I commented on yours yesterday.” He came back with “no one comments on blogs anymore but you.” In my mind I disagreed… but had to think about it for a bit.

commenting on blogs
he’s got opinions

I get comments on almost every blog post I put out. On this blog in 2019, only one of my posts (talking about promotion no less) didn’t get a comment. But I have had a couple of posts that only got one or two comments; that’s disappointing. Still, I did have one post this year that got 22 comments; I’ll take what I can get.
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