You don’t see people talking as much these days about writing pillar posts. Actually they are, but they talk more about epic posts or high quality posts or in-depth posts.
pillar ice cream cone
Back in the day we used the term “pillar” to denote long, detailed posts that acted like pillars on old Roman buildings. Their purpose was to help you show others that you knew what you were talking about, thus driving traffic to your blogs, making search engines happy, and giving you something special that you could use to promote yourself. Continue reading How To Write A Pillar Post→
Today is my mother’s birthday. She’s 80 but doesn’t believe me when I tell her that’s how old she is. She also doesn’t believe it’s her birthday. If she was in Washington right now she’d be proclaiming this was fake news.
Mom and cake
This post isn’t all about Mom but I make no promises I won’t mention her again. This article is about writing and communicating. It’s also about a challenge. Continue reading Writing Without Commas→
A few weeks ago I led a roundtable for my consultant’s group on the topic of business writing for consultants with the title above. In essence, I put together a presentation and led the group discussion on a bunch of topics I felt were important to share and talk about. This article will encapsulate what I discussed and share some of the examples I used to get my points across.
How many of you knew that I was a wedding singer? You’d have learned it if you’d ever checked out my link to 100 things about me, listed at #70.
Before then, I’d never thought of myself as a singer. I didn’t really start singing while playing the piano until my sophomore year, even though I did have to sing a song at the end of my freshman year when I took voice lessons. My first teacher wasn’t all that impressed, but my second teacher was. For some reason he thought I should be an opera singer; I wasn’t feeling it, especially after he started me with Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes, which was immortalized in this short clip below: Continue reading 4 Ideas To Find Your Blogging Voice→
Anyone who knows me will tell you that I’m a major Harry Potter fan. I may not be the demographic J. K. Rowling was aiming for but she got me anyway. 🙂