Category Archives: Writing

Are Writers Taken For Granted?

I’ve been a part of of interesting discussions about writing over the years. I remember one on the Digital Point forum site. Many years ago that was intriguing, not so much because of the topic but because of the kerfuffle it generated.

I’m the writer, not the parrot!

The topic was whether people could find quality in paying writers a penny a word or less for articles, and if those writers were bringing down the rates for everyone else. You can understand the back and forth on the topic. In some countries, getting writing gigs for a penny a word can sound like paradise, whereas in countries like the United States it sounds insulting. Unfortunately, no matter how you look at it, the topic isn’t as cut and dry as one might believe.
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How Much Do I Write?

When I was originally asked the question about how much I write, I thought it was an odd question. My initial inclination was to say that I’m always writing, but that doesn’t actually address the merits of the question.

Writing me

I do write a lot, but not all of it is what I’ll call creative writing, which encompasses writing my blogs, writing blogs for others, writing my articles for marketing and promotion purposes, working on my books, writing for webpages, sometimes writing before creating videos, etc. When I think about it though, most of it is. I thought I’d talk about it a little bit, just so y’all can see what I do with myself most of my days, and hopefully you’ll pick up a nugget or two.
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Do You Have A Writing Style?

I’ve done a lot of writing over the course of my life. If we don’t count letters, I started writing screen plays in my preteens (Star Trek related stuff, with the names changed of course), then graduated to poetry in my teens. In college I wrote a journal for 3 1/2 years, and in my junior year I started composing music and writing lyrics.

contemplating writing style

From there I started trying to write stories… novels were in my mind. I wrote a few of them… but never finished one. Then I got into leadership positions in health care and started writing procedure training manuals, along with articles for medical billing organizations. Moved on to writing newsletters for my business and other magazines, joined a writing group at the library where we wrote short stories and talked about our novels, before I finally got into blogging.
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More Concepts On Writing

I took a look back at all the blog articles on this site and realized that I really don’t write that often about… well, writing. With over 1,825 articles on this site and a host of articles on other sites, it seems I’ve only written about or mentioned the subject of writing only 72 times. That’s around 4% of all the things I’ve written about on this blog. As someone who believes that the written word is the most important thing when it comes to communications, whether it’s blogging, email, or pretty much anything else where actual writing is concerned, that’s a major shame!

Embraced by Words

Robbert van der
via Compfight

What do I mean? Look at what’s below; this is an actual email I got from someone hoping to write for me:
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Your Purpose In Writing

Years ago I read a blog post which took the position that people writing for business should talk about solutions and not about themselves. I took a slightly different view with a post on this blog titled 5 Reasons Your Blog Is Definitely About You, No Matter What It’s Topic Is. He wasn’t totally wrong, and I’m not totally right, because things are never that cut and dry.

My major point was that people who sell themselves or their services that write blogs absolutely need to say more about themselves than those who writes blogs that sell products. In my case I obviously market services, and I work hard on making myself come across as a person I hope people want to work with. In his case he was a very successful pool salesperson (who’s now more of a personality than a pool salesman, so he came in my direction lol); products were more important to push than himself.
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