Category Archives: Personal

Dad, Mom And Computers

On Friday, September 3rd, 2021, my mother passed away at 6:30PM. I was sitting next to her when it happened; just the two of us. Since then I’ve done a video and a different blog post about her. It’s been mentally tough over the last week or so, which included the service by the grave site on the following Thursday.

Mom was often prescient about what might be coming down the line. So was my dad, who left this world 19 years ago on Father’s Day, 2002, at 4:45PM. I’ve thought about him often over the past few weeks, thinking that soon he and Mom would be together again in their way. That’s what brings me to telling this story about a time when both of them were instrumental in getting me to work with something that’s become a major part of my life, both business and personal.
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Do You Have A Purpose?

Unless you’re connected to me on Facebook or are watching some of the videos from my personal YouTube channel, you probably don’t know what’s been going on in my life lately. If you don’t care, then don’t go any further than this. If you do, I’ve got more to share with you. At the end of this article I’ll have a point to make.

Tired me in a sling

Let’s start off with this particular fact. On March 19th I had shoulder surgery on my right shoulder. I had to have the surgery to repair a couple of torn tendons, which came from a car accident I had back in 2019. I’ve been dealing with the pain because that’s what I do, but Cortisone shots stopped working and the doctor recommended that I finally have the surgery.
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The Keys

A sidebar. Every once in a while, instead of a traditional blog post I’ll detail a story of something that happened in my life. This article was originally written on March 4, 2009. It was quasi-popular when it was published, but 12 years later no one knows about it. What many people don’t know is that after “so many years” Google will de-list articles on blogs with a lot of content unless that content’s refreshed. If I put in the exact title of the article and my blog’s name, it’ll show up. Without that, no amount of keywords or phrases will ever bring it up.

mailbox lock with keys

volkspider via Compfight

Because I felt it was a pretty good tale, and because everyone who commented on it back then is no longer blogging, I felt it deserved a refreshing and re-release. I often write stories of what takes place in my life and I’ve always shared them with all my friends. I hope you enjoy it; as always, it’s my truth… which means it’s the truth! 🙂
Continue reading The Keys

5 Things To Consider When A Break Isn’t A Break

When last I wrote, I was talking about taking a peace of mind break by staying away from social media for a week. I thought that with everything going on in my life, I could use the down time to maybe get some reading done, watch some TV or movies, or maybe do some writing. It turns out that things don’t always work out the way you hope they will, especially when you really don’t have a plan.

Mom was resting

For instance, it’s easy to say you’re going to sit down and watch TV and movies. It’s harder to pull off when it’s something you’re not used to doing. I did watch two movies, but I deleted a bunch more that I had recorded on DVR, realizing I really wasn’t interested in watching them. What I was left with were a few movies and some documentaries that were all over 2 hours long. Of the two movies I watched, one of them took me six or seven hours because I couldn’t sit still to watch the entire movie.
Continue reading 5 Things To Consider When A Break Isn’t A Break

Taking A Peace Of Mind Break

In every person’s life there comes a time when it feels like there’s a convergence of too many things coming at the same time. Sometimes those things are good; sometimes those things are bad. Sometimes those things are just what they are. Sounds kind of poetic doesn’t it?

Tired me

Over the course of almost 14 years, I’ve put together a lot of content. It started on my business blog back in 2005, I continued it with this blog starting in 2007, and I’ve added other blogs over the years. I have written for a lot of other people, sometimes actually appreciated for doing it. Other times, I took the money and ran and never heard one way or another whether the client liked what I wrote. That’s just the way it is.
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