A few weeks ago I led a roundtable for my consultant’s group on the topic of business writing for consultants with the title above. In essence, I put together a presentation and led the group discussion on a bunch of topics I felt were important to share and talk about. This article will encapsulate what I discussed and share some of the examples I used to get my points across.
Back in June of 2001, I decided it was time to try to work for myself. I was tired of losing jobs because of things that weren’t within my control. On June 22nd of that year, I went and registered myself as a business with New York state and was on my way to a bit of independence.
In October of that year I was kind of in recovery mode. I’d had one short gig, given a presentation on leadership in Ohio, my first live presentation, but was mentally still in recovery from what happened on September 11th of that year. I was starting to realize that I wasn’t really sure what to do; after all, when you work in most hospitals in the country there’s not really much advertising going on because most markets only have one hospital. Also, the business of health care is much, much different than any other, although at the time I was trying to be a consultant/trainer in the area of leadership and diversity; I still had no idea how to proceed. Continue reading Why I Try To Help→
Back in 2009 I wrote a post titled How I Write Blog Posts. I talked about the process I go through when I’m trying to figure out what I want to write and how I want to write it. I’ve also given lots of tips on blogging in general.
I thought those things were fairly simple and would help a lot of people out. Yet over the years I see more people who write comments saying they can’t figure out how I have the time to do any writing at all, let alone all the writing and other things I do. Truthfully, writing is the easy part; the rest of it isn’t always so smooth. Continue reading Scheduling Time To Blog, Write, Work And Live→
Barnes & Noble is getting out of the online movie business as it applies to their Nook line. They sent out email telling us it was coming, and that there were multiple services we needed to consider. One of those services, or apps, is called Disney Movies Anywhere, as any movie that’s either originally from Disney or now owned by them can only be played on our technology through them. Continue reading Default Movie Downloads To Your Android SD Card & Thoughts About Power & Ineptitude→
Hi Y’all! I’m back writing after taking two weeks off, although I did write one blog post about a local restaurant that irked me; hey, when you’re irked, write about it.
Star Wars, 1/1/16 w/2nd family
For those of you who missed it (which I don’t know how you could have), when I wrote my last post of 2015, I said that I was going to rest, then plan how I was going to proceed in working on my business and career in 2016. You know what? Things don’t quite work out that way just because you say them. Continue reading This Year’s Magic Word… Focus→
Blogging, Social Media, Writing, Motivation and General Stuff