Tag Archives: Writing

Sleeping, Eating & Blogging

Most people don’t know about the connection between sleeping and eating. They think they do, and there are many tales of how eating one thing produced this or that kind of dream, or not sleeping on full or empty stomachs and the like. As it turns out, there are a few lessons one can learn about these two things, and how they’re related to blogging. Don’t think I can do it? Let’s find out.

eating and blogging
my favorite kind of eating 🙂

1. Did you know that you could survive more than 60 days without food if you at least have something legitimate to drink? That doesn’t mean it’s great living, but it’s survival. That means you’d have a chance to overcome whatever problems you might have if that’s the reason why you can’t or don’t have food to eat.
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Titles; The Importance, The Sublime, And The So What…

In my previous article I gave a lot of tips on the topics of 15 lessons about blogging, and I think it was pretty good. However, there’s a topic I haven’t discussed often that I felt it’s time to talk about. Not because I’m the best at it or have lots of recommendations on how to do it better, but because I’m sometimes curmudgeonly and thus don’t always agree with what everyone else says.

fliegender via Compfight

You’d think this would be a simple thing to come to an agreement with; “write a compelling title“, which many other bloggers advocate. I could just agree and make everything right with the world. Hwoever, that’s not always the case, which means it’s not always true. Let’s take a look at why I believe it’s not so cut and dry.
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15 Lessons From 1,500 Blog Posts

I originally wrote this article in 2014. This was post #1,500 for I’m Just Sharing; it’s been an interesting ride. It’s more than 3,100 words, and was one of the most popular blog posts I’ve ever written. It had nearly 100 comments, so I decided not to kill them all like I’ve done other articles I’ve reposted. Instead, I’ve kept all the comments of active blogs; that seems to be the fair things to do… and maybe it’ll be popular again.


I started this blog in December 2007 with an idea that maybe I could make some money blogging. My other blog, Mitch’s Blog, is my business blog and has a different purpose.
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Content Is An Electronic Emperor?

Let me get this out of the way; I don’t like Rupert Murdoch. I don’t like almost anything he stands for or anything he has to say. I believe he’s pretty much a greedy man who likes stirring up controversy because he knows it sells. I believe he skews the news, not because he actually believes any of it, but because it makes money. I’m not against anyone making money, ever; I don’t have to like how some people make it, though.

This is king in my city lol

However, if there’s one thing I am is fair when I have to be. Of all things, Murdoch once said something that I’ve touted in my own way for years, though my thoughts have been a little more limited on the subject. That subject is content.
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How To Be A Prolific Writer

One of the weirdest things about blogging is that not everyone wants to leave comments. I’d love that as much as anything, but what sometimes happens is people will send an email to tell you things or to ask you questions. I take that as a compliment, especially since no one has sent me anything bad yet.

There’s one question I get more often than any other. The odd thing is that I get this same question outside of this blog. I get it on my other blog. I used to get it from my newsletters. I got it from people in organizations I used to belong to. And I always get it from some of my friends, because I tend to chronicle my life and then share my stories with all my friends, these days more often on Facebook.
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