In my previous article I gave a lot of tips on the topics of 15 lessons about blogging, and I think it was pretty good. However, there’s a topic I haven’t discussed often that I felt it’s time to talk about. Not because I’m the best at it or have lots of recommendations on how to do it better, but because I’m sometimes curmudgeonly and thus don’t always agree with what everyone else says.

fliegender via Compfight
You’d think this would be a simple thing to come to an agreement with; “write a compelling title“, which many other bloggers advocate. I could just agree and make everything right with the world. Hwoever, that’s not always the case, which means it’s not always true. Let’s take a look at why I believe it’s not so cut and dry.
Continue reading Titles; The Importance, The Sublime, And The So What…