Tag Archives: The Secret

Be Responsible For Your Own Life

I’m slightly going off topic here because, well, I feel a need to urge people to do just what it is they need to do for themselves and their lives. Too many of us seem to be stressed and unhappy; let’s see what we can do about that.

His Hand

Hartwig HKD via Compfight

I had a friend call because she needed to vent. She’s had a tough go of it lately; actually, she’s been having a tough go of it since I met her years ago. I’ve never told her this directly, but almost every single piece of it is her fault. I sympathize with her only because she’s my friend, and for no other reason.
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Being In Heaven

If you loved the movie The Secret and you enjoyed the movie What The Bleep, and maybe enjoyed or heard in passing about a movie called The Opus, I think you might be ready for the latest installment in motivational movies.

It’s called Being In Heaven, and it’s the story about a guy who loses everything, then finds people to give him guidance as he finds his way out of all his problems. Not only does he find ways to make money, but ways to live a better life overall.

Once again, it’s an Australian film, and last October they actually showed the film all over the continent in movie theaters. They seem to do it right there, because they didn’t quite do that when The Secret came out, and I think people would have been blown away seeing it on the big screen; it blew me away watching on my own TV at home. Below is a trailer for the movie:


Anyway, you’re probably wondering what the banners are for. It seems that I’m on a mailing list of people who love motivational movies, and they actually wrote me and asked me if I’d like to be an affiliate for the movie. What kind of idiot would I be if I didn’t hop on that? If the trailer is enticing you, then you can click on the banner ad above or below and check it out.

Just so you know, you’re buying the movie from Australia, but when I bought The Secret I bought it from Australia as well, which is why I have the original instead of the one that’s in the stores here now; trust me, there are big differences in the two movies. I think y’all are going to enjoy this one; I’ve already ordered mine.

Three Videos Of Motivation

Man, I’ve been on a tear. I figured it was time to slow things down, and it’s a Saturday, so what better time than to rest a little bit. So, instead of a lot of words, I hope you’ll indulge me in a little bit of sharing I’d like to do. Here are 3 videos of the motivational type. They’re relatively short, but they remind us of just why we’re all here on Earth, and why it’s a pretty nice place to be.

The Secret DVD

The Secret

The other day, when I was saying there were no secrets in marketing, and there being way too much stuff that’s the same, I also happened to talk about this movie called The Secret, and said I was going to talk about it one of these days. Today’s the day.

The Secret came out in 2005, and I actually purchased my copy from Australia before it made it to America. I was in my big phase of self motivation, and had started out with a movie called What The Bleep, which was also a pretty motivating movie that starred Marlee Matlin. I had seen the early promotion for The Secret, and from the first sound, I was captured. Here’s the first 20 minutes or so from the movie:

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