Category Archives: Blogging

14th Anniversary Of I’m Just Sharing

Well, who saw this coming? Today marks the 14th anniversary of blogging on this site, and I’m astounded it’s lasted this long. True, my business blog’s been around longer, but there’s fewer articles there and I’ve received way less views and comments there… probably because of the main topic, leadership.

The first image I ever put on this blog; I can’t
remember where it’s from lol

There’s three things funny about the day I started blogging here. The first is that I only wrote one paragraph for the first article, introducing myself to the world. The second is that the topic I said I was going to address on the blog not only wasn’t the first one following it but that I wrote 3 articles on the same day, and the 3rd one, which is now private, was an example of what I thought I’d be writing about.
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5 Blogging Lessons Learned From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

For those who have been with this blog for awhile, you know I’m a major league Harry Potter fan, both the books and the movies. With that said, let’s get this out of the way. J. K. Rowling has done a “nice” job of somewhat alienating herself with her position on a subject I’m not bringing up here. I don’t support her position, but I also refuse to cancel my love for the Harry Potter universe because of it. I didn’t throw away my Orson Scott Card books when he was found to be supporting the repeal of gay marriage in California, even though I thought that was idiotic as well.

Day 216: Macroeconomics for Muggles

Lily Monster via Compfight

This article is only about the lessons any writer, blogger, story writer or whatever else is related to the topic, can learn by thinking about how J. K. put the entire series together. In a major way, it’s atypical of how many writers put their words together. Here and there I’ve been known to do some research, but the longest I’ve ever put into researching an article on this blog on something I wasn’t totally familiar with was 3 hours; I don’t see me ever doing that again.
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Sleeping, Eating & Blogging

Most people don’t know about the connection between sleeping and eating. They think they do, and there are many tales of how eating one thing produced this or that kind of dream, or not sleeping on full or empty stomachs and the like. As it turns out, there are a few lessons one can learn about these two things, and how they’re related to blogging. Don’t think I can do it? Let’s find out.

eating and blogging
my favorite kind of eating 🙂

1. Did you know that you could survive more than 60 days without food if you at least have something legitimate to drink? That doesn’t mean it’s great living, but it’s survival. That means you’d have a chance to overcome whatever problems you might have if that’s the reason why you can’t or don’t have food to eat.
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If You Don’t Respond To Comments Or Accept Them On Your Blog…

It’s been a long time since I’ve done this, so I thought I should start with this particular message. What I’m about to do is give you my opinion on a topic that I’ve been somewhat passionate about for a lot of years. The first time I wrote about this topic, which is comments, was back in 2008, so let’s say at least 13 1/2 years. I already know some people are going to disagree with me because they do what I’m going to gripe about, but that’s okay. It’s my opinion, and one of the things bloggers need to learn is that if you give your opinion on something you have to be ready to either defend it or listen to what someone else has to say and decide if you want to change it.

She never ignored me

I have a lot of flexibility when it comes to a lot of things. I even have a lot of flexibility when it comes to blogging in general. However, there are some things that I won’t do and some things that I don’t like that I see some other bloggers do, and that affects how I deal with or interact with those bloggers and their blogs.
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The Reality Of Driving Massive Traffic To Your Blog

I’m always telling y’all that I read a lot of blogs. These days I feel like I’m the only one, but it helps give me inspiration for things to write about. Unfortunately, sometimes it’s because I think the article is bad that I feel I need to comment on it.

These ladies knew how to drive traffic!

Someone shared a post on Twitter giving 71 tips on how to drive massive traffic to your blog. I already had a bad feeling about what I was going to see, but I decided to take a look anyway. After the first 20 tips, I decided to jump through the next 51 to see if anything stood out that actually told people how to drive traffic to their blogs. There wasn’t a single tip on how to do it… we call that clickbait.
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