How’s that for a title? It’s true; I’m done; and now I’m going to explain why in what might be the shortest article I’ve written since 2008.
Blocked; no more… over it!
I hate spam passionately; I know I’m not the only one. I’ve used lots of tools over the years, trying to eradicate spam, but this blog’s been around a long time, and though it’s not regular visitor positive as it once was, it’s very popular to spammers and scammers. Continue reading I’m Blocking All Gmail Comments!→
I’m promising something different after this blog post, although it’s only going to occur on this blog post. I’m allowing every comment that shows up on this article to stay here so others can see how much spam I often get. I hope most of the people who comment (if they comment) are legitimate, but I’m not holding my breath. This means I’ll be pulling a lot of articles out of the pending area; I hate wasting my time, but I’m using it as a teaching moment.
way better than spam!
I’ll be removing links to any websites or blogs being shared, but I’ll leave the email addresses so you’ll know what’s going on. Then again, if you’re a spammer you’re never going to read any of it; you’re problem, not mine. Continue reading 9 Reasons Your Comment Looks Like Spam→
I hope you checked out the first part of this mega-pillar post. If not, you can see the first half of Better Blogging here. It was a monster, but this one is even larger as I drive my points home.
It’s time to talk about actually writing blog posts. Every blog post is going to need a title, but there’s nothing saying you have to have a title first. Some blogging experts will tell you that you should create a title for maximum SEO benefits. Whereas I’m sure that can help, sometimes creating a title that will entice readers to come by works just as well. Continue reading Better Blogging, Part Deux→
This is a rewrite of an article I originally wrote in 2009. I’ve left the only comment I got on this article previously because Peter (who used to go by Sire) was the first person who ever purchased this product from me. Also, this article has an affiliate link, which is underlined in blue. It’s the same product as the one over there in the right sidebar. I’ve read often that if you write a review post about a product you actually use and like that it will drive sales of that product. Let’s see how true that premise is.
Back when I was warning folks about hidden messages in email, I mentioned Mailwasher for the first time. I wrote this review originally because I was trying to let people know that there was a safe way of checking email that protects their computers as opposed to downloading email and then looking at it. There’s not a lot that’s changed since that first review except a few things about how it looks; that and I can update the review a bit since I’ve purchased the latest version. Continue reading Mailwasher Email Processor→
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving 2016 and I’m thinking that I’ve been writing a lot of long posts lately. Today, not only have I changed the date of the blog post (Wednesday’s post went to my business blog since it would have been my dad’s 85th birthday), but I’ve decided to shorten the post just a little bit.
It’s been a long time since I’ve written specifically on the topic of spam, just about 2 1/2 years, and even though a lot hasn’t changed as it regards spam, I knew I had more ways to help people identify when a comment is spam. Continue reading 9 New Ways To Identify Spam On Your Blog→
Blogging, Social Media, Writing, Motivation and General Stuff