For once this is going to be a relatively short article. It’s possible comments could be long or many; we’ll see how this goes.
colorful family
First, a preamble. Back in 2012, I posted my first article on a series of posts I was going to put out on every Friday called Black Web Friday. This came as a result of seeing a post on Problogger where this woman put out a list of the top 50 bloggers in the world… and there wasn’t a single black person on her list. When I commented on it she said she didn’t know any, and almost all the other comments were directed at me saying she didn’t have to know any because it was her list. I wrote back saying she didn’t say it was her list specifically, and not knowing any black bloggers said more about her than me.
Continue reading Are You Willing To Share Links To Blogs By People Of Color? →
A week and a half ago I wrote a post talking about the need I felt to go to the Blogging While Brown conference in Washington DC after a week of reading & hearing about too many racial issues in the news. My initial plan was to write my follow up post about the conference and post it this past Monday.
George & I
Two things got in the way of that. The first is that I realized that I had missed writing about my 1,700th post by one, so I had to get that in there. The second is that I didn’t get home until after 1AM because my flight got delayed a couple of times, then I couldn’t find my car at the airport (hey, I was tired! lol), so I wouldn’t have been in any condition to write the article once I got home. Luckily I wrote the other article before I left & scheduled it for this past Monday, while saying I would write a second post this week talking about the conference… this is it. 🙂
Continue reading Takeaways From The Blogging While Brown Conference →
Blogging, Social Media, Writing, Motivation and General Stuff