Tag Archives: meatloaf

Meatloaf; My Story

I’ve mentioned in the past how I’ve written stories of things that happen in my life and share them with my friends through email. The last time I wrote one of my long stories was last year when I shared my story called The Keys. It was almost 2,400 words, but it turned out to be quite popular.

Today I’m back with another adventure, but I decided to do it a little different this time around. Instead of posting the entire story here, what I’ve done is linked it to this post, which means you can decide if you’d like to go and read it or not. If you do, then you can come back here and make a comment on it.

Im going to say this, to encourage you to go and read it. One, it’s the truth. Two, it’s funny; I know that because I shared it with one of my Australian chess friends through email (not Sire), and he wrote back saying I’d hurt his stomach. Three, I’ve already heard from a couple of the friends I sent it to via email, and they’ve enjoyed it as well. A couple of days ago someone lamented that there just aren’t many storytellers anymore. Well, let’s see if there’s an audience for it.

Without further ado, here’s the link to Meatloaf.

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