Tag Archives: changes

Beating Your Head Against A Wall?

Come Monday I’m going to have a post here that’s going to be something different than the norm, yet reminiscent of something I did a long time ago that involves both of my blogs. This is my roundabout way of talking about it without talking about it; isn’t that a shame?

New haircut, new...?
New haircut, new…?

A couple of days ago I was talking to a guy on Twitter who lives in the area. He’s been seeing a lot of my posts on Twitter and they were kind of confusing him. See, I not only have the posts from this blog showing up on Twitter but from my other 4 blogs, the blog for my consulting group and the blog for my accountant, since I write her content also.

He wondered what I actually did for a living, so I told him. He said he assumed I was in a totally different field, and I said that’s because my blogs don’t actually address my main field all that much. When he asked why I said it’s because if I wrote about just that no one would read it, as it’s a hard industry to communicate with online.

Then I told him all the different things I did other than the main business and his question/statement was “All those other industries would allow you to reach people online, and you seem to enjoy it. So why are you sticking to what you do?”

Why? That’s easy; because when I get a gig it pays really well and I accumulate money quickly. However, it’s also a “beating your head against the wall” industry, health care finance. Overwhelmingly, the people I need to talk to have no clue of what I’m talking about. So, when I get to talk to any of them (which is also rare because hospitals have great gatekeepers) and explain what I do… as my wife says, crickets in 4-part harmony.

I think health care is the only industry where people in the C-suite are responsible for areas they know absolutely nothing about. And if any of them challenged me I can ask 6 specific questions, only one of which 99% of them will get right because it’s the main area they should know something about.

Working so hard to get clients who don’t want to work with me because they don’t understand how I can help them (I mean, doesn’t $730 million in one year mean anything to anyone?) reminds me of the Beav’s mother in Airplane who said “Chump don’t want da help, chump don’t get da help!”

So… believe it or not that’s the preamble to Monday, though I’m betting you want more. The best I can give you right now is that I’m a bit frustrated and realizing I’m not living close to the life I want to live. If I’m going to act like I learned anything from my buddy Rasheed (for whom I recently wrote a review of his book Life) it’s that life is short and we should learn how to live the life we want instead of the life we think we should be living. And if we can make money that way… then why not?

That’s it… until Monday. Still, I want to leave you with this question: are you living the life you want to live, and if not what life would you like to live and have you thought about how you might be able to get there or are you unable to give it a shot?