Wow, 600 posts, and I’m still going relatively strong. I didn’t quite hit the date I had expected to hit when I wrote post #501, but I’m close to that date, and I feel good about where I am, so it’s all good.
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When I wrote post #500, I said I was going to start being a bit more personal on this blog, and it seems that I have been. It’s translated to more visitors, which makes me feel like it was the right way to go. Here were my top 5 topics for the last 100 articles:
Personal – 10
Product – 8
Entertainment – 7
Research – 6
It’s the first time entertainment has shown up on my top lists, but I enjoy those posts, though they take the longest to do, what with my looking for videos and products to shill. It does seem to be true, however, that list posts get a lot of attention, even if not always a lot of commentary. This leads to the topic of my most popular posts during the time period, and once again, most of the most popular were posts written beforehand. As a matter of fact, one that’s popped out of nowhere was written in April 2008! Here they are, and, for a change, when they were written:
Top 100 Singers Of All Time 272 visits, 01/2009
WordPress 2.9 Upgrade; My Issues 120 visits, new!
Watch Out For Secret Shopper Scams 119 visits, 4/2008
Isn’t that incredible? I wonder what’s going on that so many people still need help with that older stuff. Next, my most commented on articles during the last 100 posts:
Trying To Understand Squeeze Pages – 40
Beyond Blogging – 36
It Pays To Be Bad Sometimes – 32
Limit Login Attempts – 31
Those are the stats I wanted to share with you. I could look at plenty more, but I want to go in a different direction, to let you know what’s coming.
I don’t make money off this blog; that doesn’t mean I can’t. However, what’s a bit more important is streamlining a few things and promoting some other things better. So, here’s what’s coming, if I haven’t already made the changes when you read this.
A lot of the banner ads are going away. I’m probably keeping the one at the top and maybe one on the side, but that’s it. My hope is that some of my remaining real estate will look like a prime place for advertisers at some point, but initially it’s going to clean up the page a little bit. The books are going to remain, but I might repackage how they look on the site, if it fits.
I’m going to add an area where all the products or things I positively review will be listed, with a link to that review. I think those things deserve to be sitting out here more prominently, especially a product like Mailwasher. Usually when we write about these things they only remain prominent for a short period of time, then get lost in the abyss of newer posts. That seems like a smart business move.
I’m also probably going to add back Google Adsense to this blog, which I removed a long time ago. I’ll probably go with a smaller ad than that long one I’ve had before, just to have something here. If people are looking for topics I hadn’t thought about before on this blog, maybe they’ll be the ones who’ll find what they’re looking for on Adsense, right?
And some of the “trinkets” things to the right I’m probably going to remove as well. Not all of them, but some, like the one presently saying my blog is ranked #254 on Winning the Web, will be gone, mainly because if you click on it and go to their site, it pops up this book thing that sometimes won’t go away even when you hit close, and if it’s irritating me then it will probably be irritating others as well.
I appreciate every one of you for checking in with me from time to time, and I hope to find even more things that add value to your online or offline experiences. Most of all, I want to be at least someone entertaining; nothing worse than a lot of boring stuff. Now, it’s still my blog, which means I’ll put on here whatever I want to put on here, but it doesn’t mean I might not entertain thoughts here and there; just be ready for me to debate you on them. 🙂
Onward and upward, as we head towards #700.
Congrats on making it to post #601, Mitch! That’s a milestone in my thought. 🙂 I’m still far from it but hopefully someday I will make it. It’s interesting to see the results when we analyze the popularity of our posts. Something to look into so we can work better for the new year. Wish you best!
Social/Blogging Tracker
.-= Ching Ya´s last blog ..How to Brand Your Tweets with TweetBrand =-.
Thanks Ching Ya. I like taking a look back at past performance to see how I stack up against it. True, it does take some time to put all that stuff together, but one of the best things about having a blog is that you not only can share that information with other people instead of keeping it to yourself, but it’s always a new thing to write a blog post on. There are so many people who say they can’t think of what to write blog posts on, but I find so much inspiration from so many places that if it wasn’t for the fact that I have so many other things to do, I could write blog posts on this blog all day long. 🙂
You can sell ideas to Hollywood, Dennis, since they have all the money. lol
I know what you meant; I’m saying I’m not sure there’s an audience that would buy ideas other than folks in entertainment, but I could be wrong.
ha.. I agree. One thing I love about blogging is the experiences we get to accumulate from it. It seems like the more we attach to it, more ideas we can have in writing as well! But wow, 600++ posts.. that’s indeed an achievement, Mitch. Prolific blogger you are! 🙂
.-= Ching Ya´s last blog ..How to Brand Your Tweets with TweetBrand =-.
Congrats on making it to post #601, Mitch! I’m at post 1,054
.-= Rose´s last blog ..Twitter Etiquette =-.
That’s good stuff, Rose. Do I get to add the 637 and 224 from my other blogs? lol
Only if I get to add the other from my other blogs.
.-= Rose´s last blog ..A Pretty Woman Shopping Experience =-.
Why of course; it wouldn’t be fair if only I did it. 😉
Congrats my friend. But do you know what I liked most about this post? The typo! What exactly happens when you shill a product? 😀
Still, 600 post is very impressive. Wassup’s only got 240 posts so I am a long way off. Too far to even bother catching you so I’m definitely not setting any goals in that respect 😉
.-= Sire´s last blog ..Why I Will Never Be A ProBlogger =-.
Man Sire, I hate to do this to you, but that’s a legitimate American word for “sell”. So, no typo for me. lol
You’re pulling my leg? Show me a link. If it’s true remind me never to play scrabble with you.
.-= Sire´s last blog ..Why I Will Never Be A ProBlogger =-.
There are links everywhere, Sire, but here’s one for you:
Of course, if one is truly shilling, it’s not a good thing, but it’s still selling lol
Got me again. I should know better. Still, sooner or later I’ll catch you out 😀
.-= Sire´s last blog ..Why I Will Never Be A ProBlogger =-.
Only when you use your Aussie slang. lol
Well why you remove adsense from this blog, afterall you can make some buck with adsense. My main earning source is adsense.
But now a days my adsense earning is going decrease.
.-= chandan´s last blog ..How to get anchor text link without asking =-.
I had removed Adsense because it wasn’t making any money here, and I had two of the big blocks on this blog that were taking up a lot of space. The small one I have now is about the right size, but it’s not in the position where it can make any real money. But that’s okay; I’d rather promote the products since, if there are any sales, the return is much higher.
Hey man, we’re just waiting to see that first post. 😉
Cool, I’m getting so freakishly impatient waiting for it. 😉
.-= Sire´s last blog ..Dragons Creatures Of Mystery =-.