Category Archives: Web Stuff

What Happened? Where Have I Been?

Before this post, the last time I wrote an article on this blog was back in March. Before that happened, I’d been keeping a schedule of writing an article a week to generate more traffic to the site, not necessarily to market any of my products, but because I actually enjoy talking to people who leave real comments here.

I’m back!

Throughout the years, I’ve always tried to stick to writing at least once every couple of weeks. When I started this blog, I was writing almost daily; I wrote 1,000 articles in less than 3 years back in the day; blogging was fun. Because of travel as a consultant, sometimes it was every 2 weeks. But in general terms, I kept my content up to date.
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Verify Your Home Directories

I don’t do a lot of technical blog posts these days, so I thought it was a good time to go the technical route after a process I went through last week. Of course, I’m going to start with a story that goes back over 10 years ago. I remember it well because I’ve written about it and saved the file just for this purpose (tip: if you do anything technical or something you think you might need to look back on, save it in a text file or somewhere else, and give it a name that you’ll hopefully be able to find later on down the line).

by Niels Hiedenreich via Flickr

Years ago I was creating a blog for one of my web clients; I’d already created her website. A quick down and dirty for informational purposes is that what you do is go into your host and create an area for your blog software to be uploaded to. If you’re domain is going to be your blog then you’re pretty much set. However, if you’re going to add your blog to your existing domain, then you need to create a subdirectory within it. These days it’s not recommended, and I’ll tell you why later on.
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How Secure Are You From Being Tracked Via Your Browser?

Let’s start off with this. Two months ago I did a YouTube video talking about Facebook and how it’s tracking us through various means. To say I was shocked isn’t quite hard enough. Here’s the video:

Frankly, I thought that was enough to deal with. I use Firefox on my computer, and I’m blocking Facebook directly. I’ve stopped clicking on products being promoted on Instagram, so I made an assumption that those types of things wouldn’t occur again.
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11 Years With My Blog Theme; All Good Things Come To An End…

If you’re a regular visitor to this blog, you’ll notice that something’s changed. Actually, a lot of something has changed, and it all starts with a new theme.

First, let’s talk about the “why”. I loved my other theme, but in reality it was the 3rd theme on this site. However, that last theme was my favorite; I’ve had it since the middle of 2009. I used it for every blog I’ve owned since then, and the best part of it was I knew how to alter the code to get it to look however I wanted it to look. I could change colors, fonts, links… pretty much everything. In my eyes it was perfect.
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Should You Have A Website?

There are a lot of people and businesses that have websites (or webpages) around the world. There are a lot more of each who don’t have websites but probably should. When it comes to being or trying to market a business, a general question that has to be asked is whether it’s viable for the owners of that business to have a website or not.

Christa via Compfight

As a former internet marketing consultant who’s still an independent consultant, the overall answer is easily yes. The reality, however, isn’t so cut and dry. Let’s explore the positives first.
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