5 Writing And Blog Writing Tips With Explanations

I read a lot of blogs and I write a lot of posts. I’m certainly not perfect when it comes to the articles I write but most of the problems I see on other blogs or websites (especially news and information websites) are things that are easily avoidable… things I don’t tend to do myself.

Since I haven’t talked about writing issues in a long time, I thought it was time to offer some tips and critiques about writing, blog writing in particular, since this is an article on a blog.

1. The 2nd writing tip I offered in my 2nd article of writing tips in 2014 mentioned this particular tip that I still can’t believe most people miss. If you see a squiggly line underneath a word like in the image, it either means you misspelled a word or it’s not in your computer’s dictionary. Either way that’s a major clue that no one should be missing.

2. The biggest issue I have is spelling words correctly but having them not be the word I meant to use. It’s so easy to leave a letter off and still have it be a legitimate word. It’s strange to type a word that wasn’t in your mind when you were contemplating what you wanted to say.

In this case, the only thing you can do to catch these errors is to read your article out loud after you’ve finished writing. This is something I used to do more often in the past that I need to pick up doing again. Of course, if you’re writing long articles like Neil Patel it might take you a while to get through it. πŸ™‚

3. If you read a lot of blogs you’ll notice one of two things that happen most of the time. The first is having one sentence being a paragraph, no matter how short the sentence might be. The second is having a paragraph that’s longer than an Anne Rice diatribe.

Let’s address the one sentence thing first; I don’t mean a line or two here and there, I mean an entire article of one-sentence missives. Most bloggers do this because they read somewhere that white space is preferred by people who read blogs. That’s the same reason many of them are eliminating their sidebars also. The other reason is that it cuts down on people being able to scan your articles easily, forcing them to read every single line.

For someone like me who learned how to speed read in 8th grade, this is quite irritating because it disturbs my normal reading flow. I have to like you a lot to even think about reading your blog if you’re doing this. Yet I can’t deny that it’s a sneaky trick that might achieve your purpose for some of your younger readers.

Which now leads to the second thing I talked about, the long paragraph. Long paragraphs work fine in books, but I realized some years ago that long paragraphs don’t work as well on a blog for some reason. It also doesn’t work all that well on webpages either.

Check out this example from Huffington Post talking about skills that could improve your life. Notice how relatively short the paragraphs are, with most of them being 2 or 3 sentences at the most.


Something I’ve learned over time is that, unless you’re writing dialogue where one person is speaking, most long paragraphs have natural breaks that all of us can look at to reduce their size. One of the major differences between my first book Embrace The Lead and my second book Leadership Is/Isn’t Easy, both on leadership with one completed in 2002 and the other in 2015, is that the first book has some pretty long paragraphs that could make it hard to read, whereas the second book has paragraphs that might be 3 or 4 lines and that’s it.

Obviously I have a preference in what I want to read, but it’s up to you as the writer to determine whether your style fits you best or is the best for those who are going to read your blog articles or possibly any books or ebooks you decide to write along the way. Most people will tell you to write for your audience but I’m telling you to write however you feel comfortable… while thinking about those who you’re hoping will read what you write.

4. Watch out for your “filler word” patterns. I’ve always been partial to starting sentences with the word “well”, and I wasn’t close to being a Ronald Reagan fan (for you younger folks, he began a lot of his sentences when answering questions with that word). Many of my early posts on my business blog and this blog have a lot of paragraphs with that as the first word. My first book also had a lot of those; ugh!

I started watching for that pattern a few years ago when I first started writing my 2nd book, which is a compilation of previous articles I’d written on my business blog and my newsletters back in the day. It was my biggest editing issue, along with a bunch of other words and phrases I was known for.

Another pattern I had was writing passively. For instance, I just rewrote that first line because I’d initially written “a pattern I used to have that I had to learn how to break was…) The first line is stronger and gets to the point quicker, whereas the second line is unnecessarily explanatory and long. Notice the second line took 15 words and I hadn’t gotten to the point yet? I think this is what contributes to my sometimes writing a different word than I had in my mind because these days I do a lot of editing in my mind to tighten up the prose.

Filler words are distracting. It’s better to get to the point sooner, unless you’re telling a story… we love stories that add a bit of drama to the process don’t we? πŸ™‚

5. People love list posts; that’s pretty much a known fact. What’s not known as much is that not all lists posts need to be overly short or long.

For instance, my original post giving 10 writing tips is very short because I had the intention of having the readers be able to consume it in 2 minutes or less, whereas my post giving 55 tips and ideas about blogging around my 55th birthday was just under 3,600 words because I wanted to put a bit of meat into my tips. The results are (based on DuckDuckGo since Google hates me lol) that my first article comes up in position #98 and my second comes up at #1. This proves that even other search engines love the more comprehensive posts, but if you can reach your audience directly (like through newsletters) then it’s not such a big deal.

That’s all I’ve got for now. Let me know your thoughts on these tips and whether or not you think they’re helpful.

19 thoughts on “5 Writing And Blog Writing Tips With Explanations”

  1. Nice tips. The short paragraph thing I learned it from Neil (I read his blog a lot) and I think it is a nice idea, though like you said, it is all about preference. Definitely not every reader will like to read a post like that and certainly not every writer will write like that

    1. At this point I write the way I want to read content, and it seems to be the most popular way to present information these days, especially online. I think it’s hard to cater to everyone so in this case we should think about ourselves first.

  2. Hi Mitch,

    Thanks for the details , Currently i am working on optimizing content for blogs of my company website , your suggestions would help , would be looking forward to your blogs in future

    1. You don’t have to wait for the future Yashika; go back through the archives, as I’ve touched upon a lot of good stuff if I say so myself. πŸ™‚

  3. Nice tips, Mitch. You have very carefully picked out the problems in writing blogs and explained clearly how to avoid them. It’s really mind boggling that most people fail to Cheech for grammar errors after they write a post. It hardly takes a couple of seconds. Also, more white space should be avoided as you said. It kills the flow of reading.

    1. Thanks Venu; I won’t pick on you for “cheech” lol Still, that was a comment rather than an article; it should be easy for writers to notice it.

  4. Nice tips. The short paragraph thing I learned it from Neil (I read his blog a lot) and I think it is a nice idea, though like you said, it is all about preference. Definitely not every reader will like to read a post like that and certainly not every writer will write like that

    1. I think one has to be somewhere in the middle when it comes to writing online articles and white space. The idea is to make things easy for the readers while retaining your independence in writing for yourself. That’s something a lot of people offering advice tell writers not to do, which is writing for themselves; the way I see it, if I wouldn’t read it why would I expect someone else would?

  5. Great tips here. It’s the grammar issues that drive me even more crazy than the spelling errors. But, you’re right, the squiggly line is a good indication that there is a mistake, so pay attention.

    I also try to make paragraphs shorter. Occasionally (but rarely), I will just have a 1 sentence paragraph, but if I do that, it is purely for emphasis.

    Great tips. thanks.

    1. Thanks Debbie. If I have one line it’s before I lead into something with a bit more substance; it’s a rarity on my part. I hadn’t thought all that much about the grammar because the older I get the more I find out that the rules I was taught as a kid aren’t the same rules younger people are being taught. πŸ™‚

  6. Tip #3 made me laugh. Yeah, that one sentence thing is quite annoying. I do try to keep my paragraphs between 2 to 4 and sentences. And long paragraphs are not cool. If your topic doesn’t capture and keep my attention, I’m gone.

  7. Don’t fight the white space! People’s attention spans are incredibly short online, and short paragraphs along with formatting and images can really help keep them hanging on. I’m totally with you, I kind of wish we writers could just do our thing and let the reading happen, but a few tweaks to our style can really help in 2017.

    Great post, thanks for sharing.

    1. I’m not fighting the white space across the board Evan, but I’d like a better mix between paragraphs being one sentence or three sentences. My sensibilities would be spared the shock and make reading easier. lol

  8. Mitch,

    I write how I think and talk, and I know it’s not the best but I’m not trying to be Tom Clancy your or even Frederick Backman. I have shorten my paragraphs as directed by a certain someone and I think it helps. And I do look for paragraphs to begin with well,,,, thanks for all the tips and for reading my newsletter each week. Much appreciated.

    1. Glad to be of service, Pat. I’m also glad you’re not trying to be Tom Clancy (someone else is writing his books now, trying to copy his style). I can’t remember which book it was, but he spent 50 pages or so talking about how cars is built so that later in the story he could mention something bad that happened that was only 2 pages long. That’s when I switched to abridged audiobooks for his content. I usually hate abridged books but it was necessary for him. πŸ™‚

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