Yes We Can Be A-List Success Stories

The other day, I read a post on a blog called WordPress Theme Customizations written by a guy named Costa on the topic Are You Still Dreaming To Be Famous Blogger. His point is that people will read what these A-list bloggers have to say, buy what they put out, and often you’re not only left with a product that didn’t really tell you anything you could use to try to get where they are, and not only are they not really even blogging anymore as much as managing, but you will never reach the level these guys got to, and that maybe it’s time for you to just be who you are.

He makes some interesting points, and I hope you click over and read what he had to say. I, being me, do take some exception to some of what he had to say, but not because of the reasons he chose. Here’s my take on it all.

Any one of us can be an A-list blogger. What that means, however, is that at some point you’re going to need one of two things. One, you’re going to need a major break of some kind. Two, you’ve got to be set up to capitalize on that big break when it comes.

This post isn’t about any of that, however. What it is about is not giving up on a dream, no matter how big, no matter how small (yup, now I’m channeling Horton the elephant). Anthony Robbins once said “if you have nothing to live for, you die.” If you’re not trying to accomplish something with your blog, why bother with it at all? If you’re willing to be less than your potential, why bother?

True, based on reality, everyone can’t be an A-list blogger. Does that mean you can’t be? Not at all. You could be a famous blogger without being an A-list blogger. You could make a lot of money without being an A-list blogger. You are whatever you are, and you can potentially be whatever you strive to be. Even if you never made it to the A-list, you will always feel secure that you have gone all out to be the best, and you can never take anything but pride in that. And there’s a lot to blogging; just check out these stats from The Future Buzz.

I do agree with Costa on one point that says a lot of what you purchase doesn’t end up giving you exactly what you want. For instance, that Beyond Blogging book on the side there isn’t a book that’s going to give you step by step instructions on being a better blogger. It’s tales of how some bloggers who have made a lot of money did it. It’s motivational; nothing wrong with that.

It’s like networking, for those of you who work for yourself; it is what you make of it, and if you leave a networking event without meeting at least one person, most of the time it’s your fault. Some people join organizations thinking those organizations are going to help them make business contacts that are going to bring money into their pocket. But that’s not what most groups are about, so it’s their fault for thinking that.

Now, if you want some free ebooks that may or may not help you, you can check out this post of mine offering some ebooks on affiliate marketing, and then this other post with more ebooks on affiliate marketing. These are free; go for it.

Back to my premise. I’m shooting for great success in 2010. After all, I’ve just been named one of the Top Baby Boomer Men of 2010, thank you very much. 🙂 After that other post of mine on publicity, this is a nice start to the new year. But I don’t have to be the only one shooting for the stars. The world is big enough for all of us to try to be as big as we want to be, whether it’s A-list blogger, famous movie star, or just rich person without any notoriety whatsoever.

Just don’t give up on your dreams because it seems like a hopeless cause. Now let’s get out there and conquer the world!

17 thoughts on “Yes We Can Be A-List Success Stories”

  1. Interesting posts (both, and I’ve commented on both).

    I think what’s missing from the original is this: The other thing that all the A listers have in common is that they worked like dogs in the early days. You cannot break through into the big time as a blogger by playing at it part time – ain’t going to happen.

    Every single A lister we interviewed for the book you mentioned went through a one to two year phase of working crazy hours, writing more posts than anyone else, commenting more and guest posting more – until as Gary Vaynerchuk says “They’re eyeballs were bleeding.”

    That’s the key factor – hard work, allied with an ability to write and yes, a piece of luck in many cases. It’s not about buying books (even mine!) or courses, although they can help, it’s about rolling your sleeves up and delivering day in, day out.
    .-= Mike CJ´s last blog ..Product Reviews =-.

    1. Hi Mike,

      You’re absolutely right, there has to be a lot of work involved in the whole process. I wrote somewhere else here that when you look at Darren Rowse’s early blog posts, he was sometimes writing up to 10 articles a day, occasionally more. Some of those were very short articles, linking you to a resource you could use, but it still counted because he was really working it.

      It’s a reason I write consistently on this blog; I notice that my numbers improve if I have more posts, although sometimes if I have 2 posts a day it suffers a little bit. I think if I have two posts in a day, both can’t be overly long. Good thing I try to write some of them in advance so I can hopefully plan their release a bit better.

  2. The problem for most people is the fact they can’t make blogging a full time c commitment until they are actually able to live off the earnings. Blogging id hard work and being able to consistently provide quality unique content is difficult unless you are able to commit to it full time. Great points you have here.
    .-= Danny Nappi´s last blog ..Guest Real Estate Bloggers Wanted =-.

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Danny. You know, it can be hard to commit to quality content, for sure. However, I’m about to hit #600 on this blog, and that’s as a part time blogger, though if all my blogs started turning into even part time money makers I’d be ready to go in the other direction.

    2. Danny, I disagree. I work full time and blog full time…I built my business at night from Afghanistan. If I can do it, then anyone can.
      .-= Nathan Hangen´s last blog ..Weekend Update – Entrepreneur Style =-.

  3. Hi Mitch,

    Thanks for the mention. I would love to have add something here but as Mike has commented on that post, and I have given my point of view in my reply to his comment, I do not want to repeat myself here.

    Anyway, I fully concur with this paragraph.

    You are whatever you are, and you can potentially be whatever you strive to be. Even if you never made it to the A-list, you will always feel secure that you have gone all out to be the best, and you can never take anything but pride in that.

    .-= Costa´s last blog ..For The Year 2010 =-.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Costa. Your post was definitely thought provoking, and in my mind that’s what makes a good post, so I’m glad to mention you on my blog.

  4. It’s interesting that so many people have commented about Beyond Blogging not having a step by step blueprint (they must not have read the final chapter).

    What many people fail to grasp is that there is no magic pill or step by step blueprint…you have to study what works, mold it to what you do well, and start working.

    People always want a magic pill…it’s just not there. The magic pill, as I wrote on Problogger, is hard work and busting your tail day in and day out. You either want it or you don’t, it’s as simple as that.
    .-= Nathan Hangen´s last blog ..Weekend Update – Entrepreneur Style =-.

    1. You’re absolutely right, Nathan. However, people get used to things such as instruction booklets, things that spell out exactly what’s supposed to happen. I have to admit that, when I read Rich Dad Poor Dad, as much as I enjoyed it, I was looking for something more in those last 10 pages that I didn’t get. That was my own expectation of what I was going to see; I’m sure that people who read my book sometimes are looking for something I don’t give them as well, though I hope not.

      1. The thing that Rich Dad Poor Dad does so well is transform your mentality…it might not be step by step instruction, but the effect is there…at least it was for me.
        .-= Nathan Hangen´s last blog ..Weekend Update – Entrepreneur Style =-.

      2. Same here, Nathan; loved that book, and I recommend it to every kid I know getting ready for college or getting ready to come out of college.

  5. Dennis, maybe that’s what it means in your mind, but in my mind, an A-list blogger is making their living from blogging, and I don’t mean barely making a living but living pretty well. That’s always something great to strive for if it’s something you like.

  6. First of all to be an A list blogger you need 500 or more blogs linking in the last 6 months. LOL I’m sure anyone can be an A list blogger, but not all A list bloggers are professional bloggers making money or trying to sell us something. Grandma who blogs about her grandkids & her homemade butter tarts might be an A list blogger if she has a large follower base and lots of people linking to her.

    I realize what he is saying and I think this touches more on what I’ve been talking about. What makes someone an expert?

    By the way I’ve gone to my once fame of being a B list blogger to a D. Sitting at a D I have more knowledge now then I did when I was a B. 😉

    1. I don’t even know if I’m a B yet, Rose, so I’ll have to take your word for it until I get there. And you’re right, Grandma could potentially be an A-list blogger, but the truth is that we think of A-list blogger as folks who are making money at it for the most part, and that goal works well for me. However, there is the acknowledgment that not all the money being made online is through the blog, just that the blog helps to get other things rolling.

  7. Who is we? I think of the ones making money as Pro-Bloggers.
    .-= Rose´s last blog ..How to make a twitter background =-.

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