Last week I talked about adding Akismet back on one of my blogs to help in my fight against spam and Brian Hawkins had a post on his blog about crazy things people do to control spam, impugning my wondrous reputation by griping about something I do (LOL) on this blog. Regardless, we all end up having to deal with spam in one fashion or another.
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Some people do some crazy things, as Brian stated, but I find the majority of people don’t know what they can do to fight some of the spam at least. Therefore, I thought I’d share what I have set up on my blog under the Discussion settings area and then talk about my settings in the GASP plugin, since I’ve already talked about AkismetIf you don’t know about the Settings / Discussion area this is a good time to go there and follow along as I tell you why I’ve set up what I’ve done.
The first thing you see are the default article settings. I have all of mine checked, but if you use the GASP plugin and have unchecked the box saying to block all trackbacks, the middle choice makes no difference. If you don’t want comments on your blog you can uncheck the last box.
Next we have other comment settings. I have checked the first one, which should be standard for everyone.
I don’t want people logging into my blog so that’s unchecked. Actually, back a few years ago it was recommended that you don’t allow people to register on your blog because some folks knew how to then break into the rest of your blog once they had gained even a modicum of access. The new CommentLuv Premium gives owners the option of allowing it to have access to more posts, but I still wouldn’t recommend doing it.
I have the box checked talking about automatically closing comments on posts and I’ve added the number 720 in the final box, which is just under 2 years. Many spammers target old posts and I figure that people can read them but two years is long enough for someone to discover them and comment on them.
The next box I have checked and I’ve added 9 into the box, though many people only have it set at 4. I hope for extended conversation but I’ve never reached 9. By the way, this doesn’t work for all blog themes, so you might have to add a plugin to get it to work correctly. For this theme, which is older, I had to add the Threaded Comments plugin, but for all my other blogs this works fine.
I have the final box unchecked, which means that if I end up with more than 50 comments they’ll continue on the same page instead of turning it into more than one page. Frankly, it can be confusing going to a blog and seeing that there are a bunch of comments yet not seeing them. I think it messes up continuity, so I have it turned off.
I’m skipping the email me whenever and going to the next one, before a comment appears. I have both unchecked because frankly I hate moderation and thus I won’t do it to anyone else. Now, some folks are probably saying “hey, my comment ended up in moderation”; we’ll get to that.
Next up is comment moderation. I don’t have anything in the main box here and I’ll tell you why. To me, why would I want to add words or domain names or numbers to have things go into moderation, or the pending area? Anything that goes into moderation might as well go into the spam filter so I can review everything in there. Now, this used to be an easier decision when you could approve a comment directly out of the spam area but since WordPress took that option away and sends comments to the pending area instead (a stupid move people), you might decide to have some things go into pending instead, since now you have duplication of effort. Having said that, I do have a 1 in the box about links, so if you add a link it does head to moderation.
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The final thing I’m going to talk about here is the comment blacklist space. This is where you can list words or urls or IP addresses, which are those numbers under each comment you see in the Admin area of comments, and if the comments have any of these associated with them they’ll automatically go to the spam filter. What I’ve done is added a few specific words that I know are spam since I’d never write about any of that stuff here, and I’ve added lots of IP addresses.
This part bothers Brian a little bit because there’s a lot you’ll end up having to do, but there is a shortcut. For instance, there are some IPs that send you multiple comments but rotate the third and fourth set of numbers. I’ve taken care of that by logging just the first two numbers, and from that point anything that comes in with the first two sets of numbers automatically goes into spam. That’s ended up saving lots of time.
Okay, let’s talk about the GASP plugin settings briefly, since I know most people just go with the defaults. I left many defaults so I’m only going to talk about the things I’ve changed.
First, I’ve unchecked the box for trackbacks, which I mentioned earlier. Yeah, I know that it offers a way for others to let you know they’ve written about you but there’s no real SEO benefit to it and it’s how spammers can really bombard your blog. I unchecked it during a time period when I was averaging nearly 20 spam messages an hour that were all trackback spam; ugh!
The big one, the most controversial I suppose, is the next to last box, which says Maximum number of words allowed in name field. I’ve put 2 in there, which seems to be throwing a lot of commenters into the spam filter, and those are the folks who believe they’re being moderated. Sorry but that’s staying, and we’ll just have to hope that I pull your comments out of the spam box. The overwhelming number of spam that comes in is keyword spam, and most of those keywords are 3 or more words. Most people either go with one name or first and last name. A few of you have decided to add your initial; that’s on you. Also, some of you continue to add keywords to the end of your name because some people offer the Keyword plugin; I don’t. I used to take the time to remove all of that but now it’s rare I’ll remove it, especially if you’re a return commenter. At least now you know why I do it.
That’s that. I didn’t think it would turn out to be this long but there you are. If this is new stuff to you then it’s worth it. If it’s something you hadn’t thought about in awhile then it’s also worth it. And if you don’t like it… LOL!
I find myself commenting less on non-blogger blogs because it’s usually too big of a hassle or I frequently end up in someone’s spam folder and a lot of bloggers apparently don’t check those folders. I’ve wasted time on many a good comment that probably never gets seen and if it does it’s long after the fact.
I wonder where this comment will end up?
Tossing It Out
Arlee, I can’t figure out why your comments always go to the moderation screen, but they don’t go directly to spam so at least that’s good. As for comments going into spam filters that never get seen, I’ve often wondered about that for my personal use, but I’m not sure if you saw the post I did in August addressing that very thing when talking about the topic of commenting on niche blogs. Some people just don’t care enough about comments to do the right thing and that’s a shame.
I have flood control option and number of characters min-max limit set up. On the main website, all comments are moderated, excepts post author comments, but there seems to be more quiet compared to WordPress. As I mentioned in previous posts, main reason to blame is footprints that WordPress, CommentLuv and GASP are leaving behind, I guess Andy have heard that and in new version of GASP, he offer an option to change the default text which is used by spammers.
Carl, I’m still getting tons of spam messages from Webmaister so something probably needs to be added to it. Overall though, it’s important to address spam and get rid of it, but not to fear it or run from it.
There the spam was coming from the forum, there none of the regular applications that are used by bloggers are working, I implemented Akismet there, but all messages are going to spam, just updated the software there and using one premium service in the last 2 days, it seems that levels of spam are close to 2-3 spam comments and 1-2 fake registrations a day which I count as a victory.
I’d count it as a victory as well Carl. And look, you’ve changed your avatar! π
Haha, yeah I did change it. Decided to show my face, but honestly, it seems that I am getting positive feedback after replacing the logo.
Comment spam is a given on any blog. Since there is no definite method in avoiding spammers, it is a good idea to set up multiple defenses. I think Mitch has enlisted almost everything you can do to reduce your number of spam comments. However, spammers keep changing their tactics and to combat them bloggers need to stay updated.
Thanks Jordan, and it’s amazing just how little I have to do on my blogs in combating spam because of what I’ve done previously.
Hi Mitch,
Yes β At the end of the day people tend to rely on the keywords and not adding any value through their comment and or engagement. Another form of Spam if you ask meβ¦
Well look at me, I seen this post had my name in it when I was using my phone so I decided to wait until I got home and had access to a real computer before commenting. Just like me, I completely forgot. π
I reactivated Akismet and it seems to help a little but I guess spam will always be an issue. I didn’t realize we could run Akismet and CommentLuv (GASP) at the same time until our Hangout on the subject.
I’m with you, I don’t allow registrations on my blog other than trusted bloggers for guest posting.
I started using the WordPress plugin for my phone to approve comments throughout the day and I’ve let several blatant spam comments go through. I think I need better eyesight or a bigger phone but I know if you start approving bad comments like that they’ll go through without moderation eventually. This is why it’s important to spam out the spammers right away.
Many ‘human’ spammers are getting pretty tricky by leaving a comment without even linking to a site in website portion of the comment form. They do this until they are no longer moderated and then start leaving very unfavorable links on our blogs.
Is that why they do that Brian? I thought there had to be a reason for it. Course, most of those comments are garbage anyway and we can get around this by adding their IP addressed to the discussion settings.
Yeah, spam will always be around because sneaky people can easily think of new ways to be sneaky while honest people have to wait for them to go there.
Great guildeline to run a blog in proper way. As you are an experienced blogger with many years of backup, I will use your tips and advices as something very special… especially because I am still a newbie in blogging π