Mitchell Manager Training Program

When I first went into business for myself, I only had plans on working in leadership and management consulting and training. I figured that I needed products, and you’ve seen some of the early products I created. I started thinking that I needed a product that could be seen as a legitimate training program.

The Mitchell Manager Training Program (you notice that everything has been named “Mitchell” in it; I’m terrible at titles) came from a mixture of some seminars I’d done on leadership as well as taking parts of my book in integrating it into a full training program. The idea was to give tips to folks who were going to be new managers or leaders of some type, but to make it simple so that they could actually learn some of the tips and apply them to the job they had to do later on.

One of the problems I’ve seen with some training manuals is that those things are really difficult to understand without someone helping them learn all the concepts. This training program, which comes in around 130 pages, has five different sections with a mini test at the end of each one. The fourth section of the training program is actually more on stress and budget management than it is actual managing, something I’ve never seen in any other training manual for managers.

With this particular product, there really wasn’t much of a story behind it except I knew it was something I had to create. Of course, one of the problems I had with it is that I couldn’t really find anyone to test it on. So what I did was have a few people read it and give it a shot and asked them their opinion of it. It got a pretty good rating from people, but it wasn’t the type of thing that I felt really could lend itself all that well to testimonials, so I let it go. I think I sold only two of these over the course of all the years I’ve been marketing it, but that’s okay.

And thus I’ve introduced the Mitchell Manager Training Program to you, and it being Thanksgiving day, it’s also the shortest of my little advertisements. Hope y’all have enjoyed your turkey for the day, at least those of you in the United States who had turkey today. 🙂

  Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2010 Mitch Mitchell

6 thoughts on “Mitchell Manager Training Program”

  1. Hi Mitch

    Hope Thanksgiving has gone well. We in Oz don’t celebrate so we are working! Sounds like those in leadership would do well to read this. Why don’t you put a few of the testimonials in your next post with your products? That really then endorses your products to your potential customers?! Just my 2 cents worth.

    Patricia Perth Australia

    1. Hi Pat,

      I don’t have testimonials for all the things I’ve created, so I can’t do it. I have some for my book, and I have a couple for one of the other products that’s coming in the next few days. But I’d rather someone see that on the sales page rather than my copying it again here. It would be great to have more testimonials than I do have, though; maybe some folks who see these ads will buy something, review it, like it and then life will be pretty nice. 🙂

  2. Great post Mitchell. Happy’s Thanksgiving Day. The sound of ” Mitchell Manager Training Program ” is beautiful , good luck to you.

  3. The Magnificent Mitchell Manager Training Program!
    The Marvelous Mitchell Manager Training Program
    The Maverick Mitchell Manager Training Program
    The Caffeinated Mitchell Manager Training Program!

    Okay, had to throw the last one in there….

    And I agree with Patricia, write more! Some testimonials would be very helpful for newbies seeing your site for the first time.

    1. You’re killing me, Barb! Actually, because it was business related, my mind felt putting something like that on it would be, well, not taken seriously. Sometimes I feel my industries can be kind of stodgy, though it’s possible it’s just me and my sense of decorum.

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