I’ve had a video channel for nearly 8 years, but it’s only since 2011 that I started adding videos to it. I actually have two channels, but my other channel is mainly about leadership and business topics. The channel the videos below cover includes blogging, social media and writing… as well as pretty much anything else I’m in the mood to talk about. 🙂
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I was talking to my friend Kelvin yesterday and he was telling me that he was listening to some of his podcasts while driving to an event out of town. I happen to mention that sometimes I go back and watch my own videos and, if I say so myself, they’re not all that bad most of the time.
I decided to actually compose what for me would be considered a relatively short post, which might actually make my friend Beverly happy because she doesn’t always like the long ones (although she might not like the long videos either lol), and I’ve been on a run of posts over 1,000 words lately so it’s time to take a break.
Below are 9 videos on the topic of blogging where I give a lot of advice to both new bloggers and bloggers who might like to learn something they might not have thought about before. It’s also a way to introduce myself and my channel to others. Trust me, this post took about as long to put together as my normal posts, even with fewer words on it; I always try to give my best! 😉
What I’m doing is highlighting the title, giving a brief synopsis of the topic, and then showing the video. I hope you enjoy these and learn something from them. By the way, the reason I’m sharing 9 is because it’s one of my lucky numbers! 😀
This is the final piece of a presentation I gave via a phone conference about how to business blog and whether or not people should start one… as opposed to having one. This is the part I didn’t get to give during the live presentation so I turned it into a video.
The topics covered here are:
V. Finale – How To Business Blog & Should You Have One
A. Add Content On A Regular Basis
B. Expand The Realm Of What You Have To Say
C. Add Variety
1. Video
2. Audio
3. Guest Posts
4. Multiple Bloggers
D. Don’t Start One If You’re Not Going To Keep It Going
E. Add It To Your Website Instead Of Going The Free Route
F. Visit Other Blogs & Comment; respond to comments on your blog
Every week someone seems to say that blogging is dying. Obviously it’s not, and I share my opinion on that as well as tell you the most popular types of content people share.
I love blogging but based on other people’s experiences it turns out that blogging can be really hard. I’ve had this discussion with lots of people, some who still blog and some who’ve quit, and if you’re in it for the long haul you learn it can be difficult sometimes.
I believe more people would write better blog posts and articles if they thought about their writing like they’re telling a story. Truthfully, some of my newest videos are stories… most of them without a point. 🙂
It’s okay to repurpose content you created, whether it’s on someone else’s site that no longer exists or something you’ve previously written that’s on your computer. I mention other ways to repurpose content also, and I actually wrote about it a few years ago.
If there’s one thing I know, it’s blogging. These are 3 things that either new bloggers or bloggers who’ve lost their way need to master to not only be successful but feel good about what they do.
Over all the years I’ve been blogging I’ve figured out the best ways to drive traffic to blogs and I give my top 3 here… none of them being guest posting 🙂
I had a friend who was bullied for multiple things, one of those writing in her blog. I hate bullies of all kinds, which prompted this video. Once again, I also wrote a post about bullying online and on blogs.
There’s lots of advice about blogging on the internet; I’ve given out a lot myself. Anyone who reads lots of blogs on the topic knows that we don’t all agree with each other. If we don’t all agree and yet still do what we do, what does that mean for you? Are you right or wrong? That’s what this video is about. You can also read part of this here: https://www.imjustsharing.com/were-all-right-and-were-all-wrong-about-blogging
Hi Mitch,
Wow…I can spend all day listening to you my friend. I spent quite some time here watching your videos but I didn’t have time to get to them all. So…I’ll be back…(said in the voice of Arnold Schwarzenegger)
I like “Is blogging dying” NO! You explained that well.
Blogging can be hard – I am with you on that one especially the folks you were talking about lol. Indeed it was sad and I too felt a loss when she stopped blogging.
Blogging is difficult but as long as we have something to say and love writing and/or talking on videos. I love blogging and love the people I meet.
OMG…you helped edit Guy Kawasaki’s book!!! I love that guy! Indeed, story form writing works so well. People resonate with our story. I loved this video.
Of course I just love your sweatshirt from TSpring!!! Your traffic tips are awesome. Hmm surprised that people didn’t come to you by guest posting.
In one month using Twitter is pretty good stuff. Interviews work so well. Whenever I’ve done that, it goes kind of wild lol.
When it comes to commenting…it works so well. All we have to do is show up lol. Great stuff Mitch!
Well…that’s all time allows me for now, but I’ll be back to this awesome blog post.
Epic comment Donna! Glad you’ve liked what you’ve seen so far. I’m thinking about adding that teespring thing to my accounts to see if I can scare up a small cache of change. This one came as a result of one of my cousins; seems appropriate! 🙂
Still missing Adrienne but she seems happy and that’s the best we can ever wish for anyone. As for Guy’s book… look at the 2nd picture at this link: https://www.ttmitchellconsulting.com/Mitchblog/does-your-criticism-help/ lol
Hi Mitch,
Thanks for sharing your videos with us. I love how comfortable you are in front of the camera. I wish I could be like that but the fear cripples me and I back out of doing a video. 🙂
I was going to do a short live video on Facebook but my son started telling me I was holding the phone wrong and do this and that til I was like, you know what, forget it. 🙂
I started watching Is Blogging Dying video and I’ve saved your post so I can watch the other videos when my day is less crazy!
I agree with you about the infographic. I like them too but they are getting longer and longer. I make my own so I can control how long it will be. 🙂
I don’t know how you do it with 5 blogs but my hat’s off to you Mitch!
I can’t wait to watch the rest of your videos!
Have a great day and upcoming weekend!
Thanks Cori. I actually run 7 blogs but I really only keep up with 2 of them on a weekly basis. If I was generating more income from them I’m be spending more time writing and creating. The same with the videos, but I’m proud of most of what I have out there. Glad you’ve enjoyed some of them. 😉
Good for you doing all these videos. Yes, I think I could spend all day here as well. Listening to the building traffic one right now.
Wow on the 10 years.
Glad you’re enjoying them; by now you’ve probably finished. 🙂