Tag Archives: quit blogging

Should We Quit Blogging? The List

Years ago on Problogger, written by Darren Rowse, on a post called Should I Stop Blogging, he listed 20 questions people should think about if they’re trying to decide whether they should stop blogging or not. I found it intriguing, to the point where I wrote an article, part of which makes up this article, and I responded to 4 of the items on the list with my perspective on them.

A friend & me; what I looked like when
I started blogging here

At that time, I was in my first year of blogging here, and I was posting something almost daily, which I did for 3 years, so I wasn’t close to thinking about stopping blogging. Even now I’m not thinking about stopping my blogging, but I know I’ve cut way back in the frequency and the amount of blogging I do.

As I get closer to my 6th decade on this planet (next year), I wonder how much longer I’m going to try to keep up with 5 blogs. Three of them are lacking to an extent, but on the two I pay the most attention to, I don’t feel like I give everything needed to be successful.
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