Tag Archives: influential blacks social media

29 More Black Social Media Influencers

Yup, I’m back again with another list of black social media influencers. Of course, like last time, I have some things to say before I post this list of very qualified people.

Why 29? The first time I did this I wanted to find 50 people to create my list. However, once I got started I found that the search was more difficult than I had expected it to be, and thus I could only come up with 21. The search was difficult this time around as well, but mainly because I pumped the parameters up a bit.

Once again I had my set of rules, and this time I stuck with them. I used Klout to help me select people and the lowest Klout score I was allowing was 60. Also, every person had to have a blog, and I had a couple of decisions to make about that.

One, About.me isn’t a blog but more of a resume service, if you will, so I excluded those.

Two, I don’t consider Tumblr a blog either. I’ve never seen anyone use it as a blog, but as a place to put a lot of pictures and quick thoughts. Sorry, that’s not really blogging, per se, although a couple of blogs here that deal with fashion have lots of posts that are mainly photographs, but some of their posts are actual posts as well so there’s a differentiation. I also included blog platforms I don’t particularly like, which I did last time as well. However, sticking with my own rules about the types of blogs I won’t subscribe to for new folks, it means some of these folks I only follow on Twitter.

Three, as long as it took me to put this thing together, if I had to go off and research to find out who someone’s real name was or to find a blog, I just wasn’t doing it. This left some folks with really high scores off the list but so be it. I can’t figure out why people won’t put either their websites or blog links on their Twitter page. I did check out business pages looking for blogs if one was listed, but some folks linked to their LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter pages. I mean, what the heck, why are you linking to your Twitter page on Twitter? People are already there and see what your Twitter link is! 🙁

Four, no “real” celebrities. That sounds odd on the surface until you see one of the names I put on the list who’s kind of a celebrity and kind of not, at least at this juncture of his life; Hey, I got to make the call, right?

And five, I stuck with my rule about no group blogs. At least I don’t think any of these are group blogs. They can be business blogs, but the idea was to highlight individuals, just like last time.

I will say this. The previous post got a lot of response, and I was happy about that. It was great finally giving a group of people largely ignored some well deserved press. I hope it goes as well this time around but truthfully, I’m expecting it to drop off. That’s too bad, but history shows that the first “Dream Team” always outperforms the second Dream Team, even if the players are just as good. But who knows, since Ileane will probably help push this baby strongly; after all, many of the people on this list are on a list on Twitter she created and talked about in a comment on the previous post, Black Social Media Heroes.

So let’s get to it. Very short descriptions, much shorter than last time, and links to people’s blogs to make it easy for you to get there. And for those of you who know that I normally write my articles very fast, this post took me 4 hours including research. This will be the last time I do a list like this; I’ve hit 50, so now someone else can take up the cause. And, like last time, I’m not going out and telling any of these folks I put them on the list, so I hope some of y’all will let them know; I’m tired! lol

Rohan @365thingstododc 63
Writes about the happenings around Washington D.C.

Anise Smith @AniseSmith 73
Writes about online and offline technology

Tami Highbaugh @AriesGDIM 70
Writes about graphic design, internet marketing and the internet in general


Baratunde @baratunde 74
He writes about politics and happenings around the world from a comedic point of view

Carolyn Edgar @carolynedgar 68
Writes about her life and opinions as a lawyer

Rene Syler @ReneSyler 60
Writes about relationships and life in general

Monique Neeley @InspiredMomma 68
Writes about social media

Mark Anthony Neal @NewBlackMan 61
Writes about civil rights and diversity issues

Mike Street @streetforce1 61
Writes about entertainment

Adria Richards @adriarichards 69
Writes about the internet and technology

Marshawn Evans @marshawnevans 62
Writes about media

Patrick Allmond @patrickallmond 68
Writes about search and social media

Elon James White @elonjames 75
Writes about black issues from both a serious and funny angle; creator of videos “This Week In Blackness” on YouTube

Candice N. Mackel @CandiceNicolePR 63
Writes about fashion, entertainment, and public relations

Danyelle L. @TheCubicleChick 70
Writes about relationships, pop culture and even HR issues

Kris Cain @LittleTechGirl 67
Writes about technology and lots of cool stuff

Brent Leary @BrentLeary 63
Writes about business & CRM (customer relationship management; had to look that up)

Kevin Powell @kevin_powell 69
Writes on social issues, and as a sidebar is one of the original Real World folks

Sharnell Tull @therealSharnell 63
Writes about music, poetry and art

Charlie Gilkey @CharlieGilkey 64
Writes on business and being successful

Alicia Gibbs @LaFashionChica 64
Writes about fashion

Olivia Brown @OliviaBrown82 61
Writes about entertainment

Jose Vilson @TheJLV 70
Writes about politics, education and race

Kimberly C. Ellis, Ph.D @drgoddess 71
Writes about politics, media and entertainment

Miranda Parker Dee @deegospel 62
Writes about literature

Douglas Idugboe @douglasi 71
Writes about social media

Denene Millner @MyBrownBaby 70
Writes on family issues and black parenting

Stanford Smith @pushingsocial 63
Writes about blogging and social media

Rosetta Thurman @rosettathurman 68
Writes about nonprofits, leadership & motivation