You see the hard drive that I’m advertising below? I’m buying that bad boy in a couple of days. The maker of that external hard drive is a company called Apricorn, and I just learned about them on Tuesday while I was out of town.
Here’s the thing about these drives. They have two ways of securing the drives so no one else can get into them if they happen to snatch them. One way is to get a drive with a keypad on it. You create a numeric password, and you go on from there. The other, which I’m showing below, is something called “biometrically secure”; in plain terms, there’s this pad that you run your thumb across, and that’s how you get into it. There’s no guessing what the number is; if it’s not your thumb, there’s no accessing your data by anyone else.
I hear someone saying “so, we’ll just crack open the case.” Nope; if the case is cracked, it automatically shuts down because all data is encrypted. At that point, it’s of no use to anyone. And, with this method, you can pop it onto any computer you’d like, and just run your thumb over it and you’re good to go. All your information, and anyone else’s information, is secure and safe; no stolen laptop worries. Makes me wonder why the government hasn’t been using these things all along instead of leaving them on laptops that continually seem to be getting stolen.
Oh yeah, the one below is a 500GB drive, but you don’t have to get a drive that big. I’m just being greedy; it will be replacing my 300 GB drive that’s in my enclosure, the one which, right now, is telling me that it only has 95GB free, which I’m trying to figure out. No matter; this type of secure data is imperative for someone like me, who travels to do some of my work.
Oh yeah; they have other drives that aren’t as secure, and drives that are solid state drives, which means they don’t get as hot as other drives and run much quieter. Lots of choices, lots of different prices; check them out, because they look pretty cool. But I’m buying the one below; yeah!