I’ve often said that you can get inspiration for writing blog posts from anywhere. In this case, I got the inspiration for this post from a blog called One Cool Site Blogging Tips (not to be confused with Sire’s blog tracking site Cool Blog Links, and this post titled Is Your Blog A Failure Or A Success? The conversation on that post wasn’t quite what I thought it was going to be based on the title, yet it made me want to throw the question out to everyone else, so it did its job.
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How does one decide to measure success? I think that’s the most important question for everyone to answer for themselves. It all depends on the reason you continue to write your blog. I say that because I started this blog for a much different reason than why I write it now, and as those parameters have changed, so have my expectations for it.
My original reason for creating this blog was so I could say whatever I wanted to say without worrying about being filtered or worried about how it might impact my business. I also had high hopes that I would make some money from it. So, when I first started writing it, half of the posts were geared towards talking about something that I thought I’d make money from, and the other half talking about some things that were on my mind, though not necessarily personal.
At some point, the blog focus changed to talking about affiliate programs, blogging, and writing for the most part. That was fun to a degree, but there wasn’t anything personal in it. Well, I have my writing style, so I guess that was personal, but I almost never talked about anything I was feeling, never taking a real stand on anything, just doing reviews. The thing is, to do a legitimate review takes some time to investigate, and, well, like everyone else I needed to make money, thus I was draining the bank account while doing a lot of that stuff.
Then in September, I changed once more. I decided I was going to start talking about a few more personal issues, more of my beliefs and the like, while still keeping up with some of what I’d talked about in the past. Though I’d still like to make money with this blog, the focus definitely moved from that direction a long time ago. I still put up products and the like, just in case someone has an interest, but mainly I just like to write, share my thoughts, and see how others respond.
So, based on all of that, how successful do I view this blog, which certainly can’t be called a niche blog? Overall I think it’s a fairly successful blog for what it is. I’m certainly not at guru status when it comes to internet sales, but I think I have a nice loyal group of folks I get to interact with here and there. And it’s changed a lot; the people I was talking to a lot between the middle of 2008 through the middle of 2009 has drastically changed. Many of those folks either stopped blogging or their priorities changed.
New folks have come along, in higher numbers yet, and that’s pretty neat. And I know when people comment here, they’re not doing it just to get a link onto a popular blog that offers them nothing except an opportunity to maybe steer people to their blogs by kissing up to the owner of the blog, who most of the time doesn’t even see their responses. Oops, let’s not get into that discussion again! 🙂
Yes, I think this blog is a success, and I’m happy with it. What say you about your blog?
This particular blog is new, so to speak, but yea all in all I think it’s coming along smashingly!
I have no idea where that came from. lol
.-= Dennis Edell´s last blog ..Blog Comments and Blog Comment Contests – Lets Chat about Paying for Comments =-.
Were you drinking tea when you wrote it? lol
Yep, and listening to “Queen” on the radio. HAHAHAHAHAHA
.-= Dennis Edell´s last blog ..Blog Comments and Blog Comment Contests – Lets Chat about Paying for Comments =-.
I sense that you find your blog rewarding and that you enjoy writing. That comes through in your writing.
My blog was originally to build my buyers list and market my real estate properties. After reading about blogging I had hopes of making money with it but I quickly realized it wasn’t going to be a money maker.
Today I would call lit a success. I do build my buyers list with it and it has positioned me as an expert. I regularly run into readers who think of me as an expert in real estate investing.
.-= Ned Carey´s last blog ..Today’s Quote =-.
Great stuff, Ned. You’ve got a tough niche, so having a loyal following is a great thing for you. Even I check in, and obviously I don’t need real estate in Baltimore. lol
Hey Ned, you’ve shown be, via your blog, that your a wealth of information in regards to Real Estate and the only reason I’m not on there more often is because there just isn’t enough hours in the day.
.-= Sire´s last blog ..The Lighter Side Of Blogging =-.
Thanks Sire
.-= Ned Carey´s last blog ..Today’s Quote =-.
Hey Mitch, I reckon mine is a success in that it is giving me more than I had hoped. It’s enabled me to meet a whole lot of new people who I have been able to interact with.
It’s also taught me a whole lot and now that I have discovered blogging I reckon me life would be that much emptier without it.
.-= Sire´s last blog ..Getting More Than Just Money For Doing The Xomba =-.
Sire, you said that well; I think my life would be emptier without my blog as well.
Hey, that’s because we’re like two peas in a pod Mitch. Although we’re worlds apart we are very similar in a lot of things, including the way we play chess 😉
I like reading your posts because they are like visiting a friend..
My blog is successful to me. There aren’t many readers but I’m happy. And I’m learning lots from other writers like yourself..
.-= Glen´s last blog ..Edna at Easter =-.
Thanks Glen. I actually try to be conversational so everyone who comes will feel comfortable, even if they have no idea what I’m writing about or disagree with me from time to time. And I agree that your blog is also successful.
Hi Mitch,
I’ve had my business site online since about 2004. About three years ago, a client, who owns a marketing agency told me that I should create a blog to help with my business marketing. I listened but didn’t put it to use. Well last summer I decided I would go ahead and try this blogging that he suggested. Since I added a blog to my site, and started updating it somewhat regularly, it has helped my site appear on page one of Google, Bing and Yahoo for the specific search terms I need. Plus, it appears ahead of my competitors. I know for a fact this is due to my blog. So based on this, I have to say yes, my blog is successful.
Happy Easter
.-= Aaron´s last blog ..What’s It Going To Take? =-.
I would have suggested the same thing to you, Aaron, so I’m glad you did finally start blogging. I love success stories like yours; proves that type of thing works.
Mitch, I like your blog enough to subscribe to it by email. I comment whenever the topic you choose enables me to offer one, but read all of them I do. I think that this blog is a successful one and so I think that mine is too.
.-= Rummuser´s last blog ..Bananas Or Clean Living? =-.
Good stuff, Rummuser. You’ve certainly got a very eclectic and loyal following, so it’s definitely successful.
Hi Mitch,
I don’t know whether my blog is success or not, because I’m blogging for just releasing my mind. Perhaps, you are willing to give some input for me.
I figure it this way, Tikno. You have 143 people following your blog, and you really don’t write all that often. So, you’ve got something going that many of the rest of us don’t. Looks somewhat successful to me. I love the videos of your kids.
Thank you, Mitch.
.-= tikno´s last blog ..A musings about friend and enemy =-.
I think you are more success than me according to the number of post.
.-= tikno´s last blog ..A musings about friend and enemy =-.
Good morning, Mitch.
You bring up a very interesting question, and I don’t think I have a definitive answer for it.
My blogs have helped me meet fascinating people around the world and have helped put food on the table and pay the bills for the last few years. They’ve given me an outlet for my thoughts, rants, and queries. They’ve given me something structured to do on days when I may have been overwhelmed, otherwise.
I don’t know if any of them are successful in terms of the numbers of readers or how people think about me.
I do know that I’ve worked hard on my blogs and other websites and I’m rather sad now that I’m not able to continue to build them. Over the next several months, as I’m able, I’ll be taking down many of my sites and letting quite a few domains expire.
It’s been a wild and fun ride.
All the best,
What’s changed, John? This doesn’t sound good to me at all.
I think your one blog was very successful and thought provoking. I’m waiting for you to finish the Think and Grow Rich series because, as you know, I got to ask myself those same questions along with you. But success really is viewed different ways, isn’t it?