Santorum & Gabby Brothers?

Another short post, this time sort of political but actually more just irked by what I see as an apparent attempt by a presidential candidate NOT to utter a racial epithet in public against President Obama. Of course he says he wasn’t even thinking the word and his press secretary said he wouldn’t even dignify questions about it, saying it’s us who are misinterpreting it. But come on… well, you tell me what you think of the comparison of these two videos:


Well? I’m just saying…

18 thoughts on “Santorum & Gabby Brothers?”

    1. That’s my thought Arlee. And they’re trying to say it was something else, but can’t figure out what that something else might be. Yeah, right! lol

  1. hey, dear, a rose is still a rose regardless of the NAME. Why don’t we all change the racial names to bring LAUGHTER to our bodies and challenge creativity. You know me, I make acronyms out of the Worst UNacceptable words..why? because.. no lightening strikes, earth openings occur,no metorites fall on me…no physical effect here- just more “I am the master of my choices with words” if this is my power it can be for all..this name Nurtures Intelligence a God Given Eternal Reward. This makes it pronouncable before GOD. I studied history and I hope awakened persons do not repeat 1914-1920″s going for BIG GOVERNMENT- an insult to human ability.

    1. At least you try Kate. Thing is, we can change all we want, but there are those folks who, like in the top video, seem to be holding onto those words and notions that harm rather than bring people together. And this guy professes to be uber Christian; that doesn’t seem to be holding true from where I’m sitting I hate to say. What he almost said doesn’t have a political bent behind it; it’s pure racism, and regardless of what your political belief might be, no one can legitimately support what he said, or almost said.

  2. Not often I reply to your posts, I just saw this one and had time to communicate. Geting more responses on Colorful world blog -thanks kind, sir. Love your thoughts, read them even if I do not always comment.

  3. Mitch, my personal opinion is that everybody is different before enter in politics and gain power. After that, they are all the same.

    1. Carl, I think most of them are the same and don’t give up what they really are, and the guy on top is one of the biggest phonies of them all. Dag, I threw out a political position; heck! lol

    2. hey Carl, I think there are only two reason why they become all the same, first, its hidden character and later on it’ll manifest and second for weak personality, due to association within the circle, he acquired those kind of behavior. 🙂

      1. Well, I think you are both right and unfortunately in most cases people that can make a difference are not going into politics or they do and fall into trap of their own team.

  4. Mitch,
    My head is about to explode from all of this racial animosity generating from the Republican conservatives. I’m just amazed that the word even formed on his lips–it’s OUTRAGEOUS to think we could have someone like that leading the country. Oh–but wait a minute—we already have, Andrew Johnson and George Bush.

    1. Actually Bev, GW was probably the furthest from a racist that I’ve ever seen. I may not have liked him as my president, but as a regular guy I always thought he was a stand up; learned that part well from his parents. But wasn’t that faux pas amazing? And the mainstream media has let him off the hook; that’s disturbing.

  5. Hi Mitch; my first time here. I understand how disturbing it is that all the racial undertone is reaching into the election. What most disturbs me though is that it will take the center stage and other really important issues that need the spot light will be ignored.

    1. I’m with you Tom, although I also have to say that it just sounds strange trying to think of what the really important issues are this year. Goodness, if the Republican primaries have shown us anything, it’s that they’re not even sure what’s supposed to be important. But this race stuff has to stop one of these days.

  6. I do not like the word and do not condone it. So here’s my question; would you hold Obama to the same standards? If he was caught saying that word about someone or if he said something racial about a white person? Or is Obama allowed to say the N word because he’s half black?

    1. Judy, there’s no answering the question until or unless he did it, and he won’t. You don’t grow up a certain way and not know what’s proper to say and when. The day you hear the president utter the phrase let me know and then we can debate whether he should say it or not.

  7. While those are both pretty funny I don’t know if that was what the candidate was trying to say. I doubt someone got to his position by using that language anywhere in his life. I think he just got caught up in his words. You never know though, but I would hate for him to be judged on a misunderstanding.

    1. Steven, tell me what else he could have been tripping over and I might find a way to give him the benefit of the doubt. Nothing else fits, and he nor his press secretary can even offer anything else that he might have been trying to say.

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