Some of you might remember that last week I helped my friend Beverly Mahone promote the free download of her book Don’t Ask & I Won’t Have To Lie. Since that day I started thinking about some things that I’d been keeping to myself, and then a brief encounter with my mother on Thursday got me thinking even more about my silence as it pertains to my health. I decided that I needed to finally come clean, and last night I decided to record the video below explaining myself while hoping that you listen to what I have to say and start thinking about your own health. First, the video:
There you are. By the way, I’m now down 14 pounds and with the doctor reducing the amount of insulin I inject twice a day, we’re both hoping it helps my weight loss goals. So, now that you’ve heard my tale, I hope you do the right thing for the right reason for yourself, your family, and of course your overall health.
I’ve watched you new video early in the morning today, it arrived in my email inbox, honestly I didn’t know that Youtube is sending weekly digest newsletter. By the way, Beverly send me the book a minute after I’ve send her email.
I’m glad Bev took care of you Carl. And yes, I get a weekly newsletter from YouTube as well.
Yeah, she was very fast with her response and I am not very surprised that she got to position 2, I am sure that next time she will be number one.
I think almost everybody have experienced that and it’s all about feeling complacent I guess. Sometimes, we feel that we no longer need help and that we’re doing okay but actually we’re not. I might as well check that book out. It sounds pretty interesting. 🙂
Good deal Dandy; you might enjoy the book a lot.
Our mind says one thing and our body tells us another. When we’re younger we feel we’re invincible. We don’t think about our health. If we get hurt or have an infirmity our body quickly repairs itself. As we get older, things happen. Our body changes. For example, I find I can’t eat the same type of foods. It drains my energy.
So, as I’m getting older,I listen to my body every day. If something doesn’t feel right I look for a remedy.
Great advice in keeping your doctor in the know. Very important. It’s also important to challenge the process with your medical team. Ask lots of questions. You might get them to think differently.
Thanks Steve. I think many of us, as we get older, fight the reality that we indeed are older; I know I do. But I’m coming to grips with the reality that some things I just have to mention here and there because it means something different now than it did in my 30’s. Bothers me, but that’s just how it has to be I guess.
I think that the worst thing you can do (and what I am doing right now) is lying about your health to yourself and pretending that if you are not thinking of it, it is not there. I had to learn that it does not work like this. 🙁
No Laura, it doesn’t work, and it’s always best to at least mention it to someone.
I have been in this kind of situation one or twice and my mom, like your mom, too. I think it’s because denial is easier than facing the truth and and easier to believe that scared little voice inside us that deals us that if we don’t believe it, then maybe it can’t be true. This is the reason why so many people die of something that could have been treated earlier because they refuse to go to the doctor until the very last minute.
It is easier to deny things Reese, and easy to justify them as well. The recognition that we get older and need to keep an eye on little things is a tough one, one that I have to address here and there as well.
I do agree with you Mitch! It’s a common problem for doctors to be able to have their patients tell them honestly about their condition and how they’re truly feeling. They may know sometimes that their patients are lying but it would be hard for them to force the truth out of their patients (well, unless if they’re like Dr. House haha!) Anyway, people should know that the doctors prescribe medication based on their diagnosis and from what their patients are truly feeling. So if you don’t want to take any unnecessary medications (that would just be too harsh on your liver and kidney) then you’ll have to tell the doctor everything so that they’ll give you the right ones.
Good stuff Elena Anne. I’m usually pretty good with my doctors, but I rarely see my primary and I rarely think about saying much to my other doctor. Still, being honest about it all makes sense because you never know if there’s something lingering there that you might need to address.
I totally agree with you in that. Lying about the status of one’s health is one big mistake because you might just miss getting the help you might have needed to heal you. So it is good to be true to ourselves and other people, even when the situation is worse so that we can get the help that we need.
True Amos, but most of us do lie, even if it’s by omission, to our doctors.