New Series – Writing And Marketing A Book

In the last couple of weeks, I wrote two posts that got a whole lot of attention. The first one asked the question How Do You Write, and the second one was a tips post on How To Be A Prolific Writer. Then yesterday, I wrote a post highlighting my book Embrace The Lead. That one hasn’t received any comments yet, and it may not, and because it’s still the same day based on statistics (since I’m on the East Coast and the stats won’t be updated until midnight on the West Coast), I don’t even have any ideas how many people have even read that post, if anyone has.

No matter. My thinking, in looking back at the other two posts, is that it might help some people if I talked about the process of writing my first book, since studies have shown that more than 50% of people who have been asked the question as to whether they’ve tried writing a book answered in the affirmative, but when asked the percentage of those who’ve actually finished writing a book, that figure drops to less than 1%.

People have many different reasons for not finishing books. One reason is that they don’t have the time to consistently work on one. Another reason is that the project gets too daunting; no real direction once they’ve started. Another reason is that they start thinking about how others would view them, or if they’d like their book. Some believe that they don’t have what it takes to really write a book and just stop.

Well, I’d like to help out, if I can. So, I’m going to be writing a series of posts geared towards tips on writing a book. We’ll do things step by step, and I’ll mix in some tales of the process that I went through in first writing my book, then trying to market my book, and then finally publishing my book. This will be real world stuff; no lies, no quick money making, just the honest truth. But it’ll end up being a series, and when I’m done, I’ll be putting all the posts in one place at the top so that anyone who wishes to follow the series later on can do it, just like my series on blogging tips.

So I don’t overwhelm anybody, I’m going to restrict myself to one post a day on the subject, and then possibly one post on another subject on the same day. I don’t really know how long the series will be right now, but I’ll be numbering them as I go along, so everyone will know the order to read them in. I hope they’ll be as entertaining as they will attempt to be informative. And please, if there are any questions on each part, go ahead and ask, but don’t jump ahead; I’ll let you know if you’re jumping ahead at any point.

Stay tuned; there are other changes that will be coming to this blog, as I morph myself around just a little bit. Always in the process of change; better than stagnation at any level.


9 thoughts on “New Series – Writing And Marketing A Book”

  1. Hi Mitch,

    I am currently writing an EBook myself and I got to say it is very challenging. There are many things that need to be taken care of in writing an EBook which includes content that is worth a value, grammer, language etc.

    This should be the reason why people are lazy to write a book because there are simply too many things to consider. Will certainly be interested in seeing this entire series.

    Great post with a great idea =)

    Wei Liang

    Wei Liang | ABloggerBlog´s last blog post..Project4Hire – A Freelance Marketplace

    1. Thanks Wei. True, there are a lot of things to consider, but oddly enough, I believe some of them should come second nature, yet they don’t. Good luck with your book; what’s the topic?

      1. I am completing my online course with the last section of monetization in the form of EBook. Of course there are some other special elements apart from the EBook.

        It is a partnership with another blogger and everything is still in the discussion stage. Hope to get your support when the book is released =)

        Wei Liang

        Wei Liang | ABloggerBlog´s last blog post..Project4Hire – A Freelance Marketplace

  2. hi Mitch,
    This sounds like a great series. As you wrote in “how to be a prolific writer” one should write about something you love, and based on how much you write, you must love to do it.
    You stat that 50% of people have “started” writing a book, but only 1% of people have finished writing a book cracks me up, and I believe it. I am very impressed by anyone that can write an entire book.
    I look forward to reading your series.
    ~ Steve, the writing-challenged trade show guru

    Trade Show Guru´s last blog post..Unused Gift Cards and Stores Going Out of Business

    1. Hi Steve. Two statistics I didn’t put up were that 50% of people who’ve written a book have never even thought about sharing it with anyone else, and less than .5% of people ever actually try to publish in some manner, whether they succeed at it or not. There’s lots of folks writing, but obviously way more not following through on it. I’m glad you’ll be reading.

  3. At least you got it. Truthfully, I think the numbers of people who start then drop blogs are probably the same as those who start books then stop, but the blogs seem to just sit out there clogging things up, whereas an unfinished book only clogs up that person’s stuff.

  4. Sounds like a really good idea Mitch, and once the series gets going, and people get to know about it, I reckon it will boost up your subscription level.

    As for that other post, I haven’t seen it yet but I will.

    Sire´s last blog post..Bloggers, Overworked And Underpaid

    1. Thanks Sire; actually, now the series is finally over, at least as far as I’m concerned right now. Let’s see where it all goes.

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