June 12th, The Internet, And A Video

Today’s date is June 12th. There were a lot of historical things that occurred on this day that my mind feels are important, or at least interesting, in some fashion. Let’s take a look at some of them, shall we?


1898 – Philippine Declaration of Independence: General Emilio Aguinaldo declares the Philippines’ independence from Spain.

1939 – The Baseball Hall of Fame opens in Cooperstown, New York.

1963 – Civil rights leader Medgar Evers is murdered in front of his home in Jackson, Mississippi

1964 – Anti-apartheid activist and ANC leader Nelson Mandela is sentenced to life in prison for sabotage in South Africa.

1967 – The United States Supreme Court in Loving v. Virginia declares all U.S. state laws which prohibit interracial marriage to be unconstitutional.

1978 – David Berkowitz, the “Son of Sam” killer in New York City, is sentenced to 365 years in prison for six killings.

1994 – Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman are murdered outside her home in Los Angeles, California.


1916 – Irwin Allen, American film producer

1924 – George H. W. Bush, 41st President of the United States

1929 – Anne Frank, German-born Dutch Jewish diarist and Holocaust victim

1930 – Jim Nabors, American actor

1941 – Marv Albert, American sportscaster

1941 – Chick Corea, American musician

1971 – Mark Henry, American professional wrestler and World’s Strongest Man winner


1957 – Jimmy Dorsey, American musician

2003 – Gregory Peck, American actor


World Day Against Child Labour

Something else happened on this day as well, and that’s the subject of my video. I include this post of mine now on blogging responsibly, modesty, free speech and consequences as further reference.

20 thoughts on “June 12th, The Internet, And A Video”

  1. YES! It annoys the (bleep) out of me when people think that any resulting consequences of their freedom of speech are actually people inhibiting their freedom of speech. No! It’s two different things! I don’t know why people don’t realize there are consequences for everything, but some don’t. Cursing has a time and a place. My mom practices a relaxing form of therapy she calls “Swearapy”. You just yell and swear like a sailor until you feel better. Of course, this is only done in the privacy of your own home. It’s not acceptable online, work or other public behavior, but trust me, it does work sometimes. 🙂

    1. Thanks Jessica. There’s so much we see online that borders on the unacceptable or is unacceptable that legally people can do. Being boorish just because you can be has to be a horrible way to live; no thanks. Your mother sounds funny; must be where you got it from. 🙂

    2. Great video. Learned a whole lot!

      And Jessica, your Mother’s Swearapy sounds hilarious. I’d love to see an older woman practicing such therapy. 😀

      And Mitch, appreciate you putting all those thoughts into the video. I think it’s fantastic that we have protections for children, but obviously it can’t go so far that we’re not able to speak freely.

      I’m one who doesn’t curse. I don’t like cursing – and don’t do so on my blog, professionally, or surround myself with people who curse. You just don’t really need it. I’m much like you. I’ve never cursed in front of people – and like it that way.

      I certainly wouldn’t want to feel comfortable writing or showing anything indecent on my blog. It’s not what I stand for.

      1. Thanks Christian. Mainly I hope I got across the warning that this stuff lives forever if someone knows how to find it and thus, if one doesn’t wish to be associated with it for the rest of their lives, they need to be cautious in what they put up online and in what context. As for the language, I’ll admit there are times when it seems kind of funny, as in a comedy routine when well placed, but overall it just sounds, well, less than classy.

    1. I knew that Sonny; I thought about putting it in but didn’t. But I figure no one else knew so thanks for the extra info.

  2. Happy independence day to me and to my fellow Filipinos around the globe. June 12 and the month of June itself is really a big big month for us Filipinos.

  3. Hey Mitch, I know parents who swear in front of their kids, heck they even think it’s funny when their kids use a cuss word. That’s where the problem lies, these people just don’t see the error of their ways and they’re passing it onto there kids.

    I swear but not in front of my parents or women. It’s more of being on of the boys.

    I’m not worried about any of the stuff I’ve put online either as I’m comfortable with all of it.

    1. That’s good to know Sire. I still think it’s a great litmus test for many people, especially younger people, although these days many of them don’t have the same social mores against saying or doing certain things in front of their parents. It’s definitely a changed world.

  4. Hi, Mitch.

    Cool trivia! 🙂 I also love the video. You are right, people should be aware that just because there is such a thing as freedom of speech, this already means they can malign somebody online or on air and use offensive language. There is always a time and place for everything. Although I don’t mind some colorful language every now and then, especially if they are not meant to hurt anyone, I am very much against using them against other people and institutions.

    1. Thanks Kim. I felt it was time to try to bring a bit of decorum back, or at least offer up a reason or two why people should think about it in some fashion. Overall, people can do what they want to as long as they’re also ready to accept all consequences of it, good or bad.

  5. Google +1 from me about this article Mitch, you have gathered so many interesting facts.

  6. Mitch, what a great list of events from the past. “One this day” posts are always an opportunity to learn… and, great video. Thanks for dropping by Then Life Happens to leave a comment also.

  7. Great list. My father was born on June 12th, too. I gave him a special gift yesterday…;)

  8. Hi, Mitch. Looking great in your video and talking about such an excellent topic, too. I am totally against swearing, whether offline and online. Although I admit there are some harmless swearing, I still think that it’s better if this will be avoided at all cost. A world without all these swearing will be a better place for kids to grow up in, right?

    1. I think so Wes, or at least a world where there was more discretion when people feel the need to use that kind of language or do any of the other things online that probably go against the grain.

  9. Hi Mitch, this is a nice list. I didn’t know some things of these, your video is also very good (I’m agree with you). Thanks for sharing this info.

  10. @Jessica I like the Swearapy method of your mom. 😀 I am going to apply that technique not because it’s my habit to curse people out loud. But because to discharge the negative emotion I feel when I am angry. I am the type of person who don’t fight back when someone mauled me verbally, saying nasty things, and I think this can be a good way to release the anger.

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